Is it just me, or is the medical profession comprised of the biggest bunch of bozos and wankers ever to come down the sewer pipes? Went to the doc a few weeks ago 'cuz I was having chest pains - probably related to my back, also probably related to the stress (what? me? stress?) that accompanies running one's own business in an economy that has
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Comments 3
And what happens then if you have genetic disorder , or develop something a herb or Medicine X cant help ?
How can we find liberation against the cruel brutality of being chained to a physical form thats dependent on a physical world ( esp when its money thats keeping us there ? )
Its seems to me that man or woman need to find a way to master themselves so they are physically independent , thus totally Independent , before we can truly call ourselves seers shamans or anything else -otherwise we're just as vulnerable and thus dependent as everyone else on healthcare thats isnt there.
Much like how Ghandi ended up taking his medicine after refusing to let his wife take it, the physical body will always win out in the end, where was his faith then ?
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