Shut out the world, live underneath the city

Dec 04, 2012 21:29

I think I might be deleting this account soon. To be honest I barely use it anymore, and I spend a lot of my time on the dark side (Tumblr). Having said that, there is a bunch of stuff on here that I'll miss. I've made some wonderful friends here, some who are on Tumblr, and some who aren't, and those who I only know on here...well I would miss you ( Read more... )

general rantage

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Comments 8

goldenusagi December 6 2012, 07:36:39 UTC
Aw, even if you're not around anymore, why delete? :(


quantumdoll December 7 2012, 15:14:40 UTC
Hmm I don't know tbh. Just my account being here seems like a waste of time since I rarely check it anyway. Having said that, I'd probably miss you people a lot :(


funkyinfishnet December 6 2012, 08:53:43 UTC
Will be sorry to lose you, of course. *hugs* Cos we met on LJ :)


quantumdoll December 7 2012, 15:15:25 UTC
I know!! And even though I never check this place anymore, I think I'd still miss it...because I've been a member for such a long time :\


claret_stars December 6 2012, 21:23:33 UTC
In this case, deleting the account is the only reasonable action. Would it be okay if I follow you on tumblr instead?


quantumdoll December 7 2012, 15:18:28 UTC
I'm still in two minds, but you are always welcome to follow me on Tumblr, I do update it a hell of a lot more than I do this old thing. My URL on Tumblr is Kaczmareks.


claret_stars December 7 2012, 22:02:08 UTC
Mine's stille-post. And that's a very pretty blog you have there! :) *stalks*
As long as you don't feel bothered by neglected accounts it's actually no problem. With me it's different, I have to "clean up" from time to time when there's really no use anymore. But all the friends you'd leave on lj are a valid reason to stay.


quantumdoll December 7 2012, 22:08:32 UTC
Aw thanks. I'll follow back. I try not to be bothered by neglected accounts but really they do feel like loose threads. The people I have met here are a valid reason to stay though, you are right about that.


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