Title: Foundling
Category: Post-Series
Rating: G
Notes: This is a sequel of sorts to
Expecting. This was a birthday fic is for
watson1, who has been more than patient. Especially since a few of her birthdays have gone by since I started this! A big thank you to
gatsbyfan for proof-reading.
An unexpected addition to the family... )
Comments 25
It’s not me you have to convince,” I reply quickly before she has a chance to really start.
Hee. Josh would definitely put the responsibility for saying no onto to Donna.
If you want to see something funny, get her started on what ‘cat people’ are like.” Well, it helps if Donna is already pretty drunk, but we’ll leave that part out since we have minors in the room.
This made me laugh. :)
Thanks again. This is a great way to start my day. :D
The whole "cat people" was inspired by the scene in The Supremes when Donna objects to Josh classifying Donna's parents as "cat people." I thought it would be funny if instead of Josh showing his own biases, he was teasing Donna about hers. And then there's that slightly cagey look Donna gives CJ during Dead Irish Writers when CJ says that she could own a cat.
I think there is still some rough patches ahead, but things will ultimately turn out okay. Mike's not a bad kid, not really. He's just difficult and dealing with whatever trauma that led him to be orphaned by 12 or 13.
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