So, I've been thinking about fic writing and writing in general and have decided that I will try to finish ever pending fic I have languishing around by next spring. So, I wrote down every fic I was either actively working on or mulling over. I figured if I posted a fic a week, I would be done with time to spare. Ha.
The problems with the plan:
(1) I write at glacier speed. Seriously, I think drabbles are about the only thing I can knock out fast... and those are only 100 words!
(2) Work is crazy busy and I come home with very little to offer. I can barely form coherent posts, let alone anything longer than that.
(3) I keep coming up with fic that need to go on my god-forsaken list!!
The List With Color Commentary
(by fandom & likelihood I will actually finish said fic)
- Most Frequent (Donna's POV from season 6 and beyond as seen through her playlist. Having more trouble with the songs than anything else)
- Toby's Book Club (Sequel to Less Traveled By.)
- Behind Her Back (Post-ep for "Dead Irish Writers". This is a very, very old idea that I never got around to writing down.)
- Nobody Tells Me Anything (Transition Post-Ep from Santos's POV)
- CJ/Toby fic (Insititutional Memory post-ep from Toby's POV that I so want to write, but so know I won't)
- Destination (post-Transition fic combined with destination wedding fic. It's given me so much grief, I should just let it go, but I just can't.)
- Not Exactly (I want to finish this one soon)
- List (This one too)
- High School (Stupid brainless high school parody thing. Makes me laugh)
- Promise (post-ep for "Zuko Alone". Totally non-shippy!)
- AU (An actual chapter fic. Goes off-cannon during the finale... and jumps 12 years into the future)
- Sequel to Afterwards (mostly I just want to write the reunion scene)
- Zutara Week drabbles
- Over The Sea (Post-series companion fics from Katara & Zuko's POVs)
LWD (I don't know why this fandom makes me want to write fic. I really don't.)
- Atom Bomb (This thing just keeps on growing and growing. I should have been done ages ago!)
- For Her (Same goes for this one)
- Five Ways Casey and Derek Didn't Live Happily Ever After... And One They Did (It's a pretty self-explanatory title actually)
- Sleeping Patterns (College life fic. Total fluff.)
- Playlist (The almost classic scenario of Casey & Derek becoming estranged when they get to college)
- Last To Know (Sort of the complete opposite of Atom Bomb)
- Tragic (Yeah, this title pretty self-explanatory too.)
- Graduation Party fic (Why Emily doesn't work as Derek's girlfriend)
- A "HEDHOG"-inspired thing where Emily is awesome
- Love of Her (Post-series idea I had after watching "Serious Control Issues")
- Afterlife (Post-ep for "One")
- Rock Garden (Charlie in a Zen rock garden in Kyoto, but that's all I got. I don't even know why he's there.)
Sports Night (All post-series. All Dan/Natalie.)
- Awkward Research (a Natalie/Dan fic for unoriginal_liz)
- Bubble Bath (an old idea for bubbleficathon that I never had a chance to write. Dan/Natalie get no love.)
- Rumors (Casey gets upset over the idea of Dan/Dana. Yes, it's actually Dan/Natalie.)
HP (It's pretty unlikely I'll finish either of these.)
- Harry & Hermione fic (I sort of regret I never let myself write an out & out H/H happy shippy fic.)
- Friend Like These (James/Lily fic. Started it. Liked it. Couldn't finish it.)
- Firefly fic ("Safe" post-ep. Not shippy, which is rare for me.)
- Old Man Howl (Howl's Moving Castle fic for unoriginal_liz)
- Ugly Betty fic (a little bit post-series and a little bit of a post-ep for Season 1 "I'm Coming Out")
- Mickey/Martha fic (Doctor Who fic, but first I have to finish Season 4 and The End of Time first. Yes, I'm writing fic for things I haven't seen yet. This is what happens when you are spoiled.)
- Skip Beat fic (Just a little "what if..." for my favorite manga since it's unlikely to go in that direction.)
- Meeting in the Park (Witch Hunter Robin fic. Pretty easy to finish, but nobody will read it because nobody has seen the show!)
And, of course, I wrote this post when I could have been writing fic, but sometimes it's good to get things out in the open.