Great Plains High School AU: Chapter One

Feb 01, 2013 20:29

Jazz rubbed his eyes, yawning as he slid into his desk. Five minutes early, as usual. He opened his backpack and pulled out his homework from the night before. Not that there had been a whole lot of it -- it was still early yet in the school year. Slumping down in his seat some, he pulled out his phone and began typing a message. He kept a lookout ( Read more... )

member: theun4givables, character: egan, character: gemma, character: jazz, character: nico, character: savin

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Comments 4

n3m3sis43 February 2 2013, 14:18:17 UTC
This was a really good beginning! I loved the detail of the teacher insisting on calling Jazz's given name for roll every damn day. There always had to be one teacher that did that way the fuck into the school year. How hard is it to write down the names your kids go by? Come on now.

It amused me that Kalen has to be the one to screw everything up. He always is, isn't he? There's always someone nastier or creepier in the picture to make you forget about it eventually, but in the beginning there's always Kalen screwing stuff up.

Speaking of nasty, yuck to Egan and Nico and YAY to Savin for standing up to them. He and Jazz are cute together, even in the face of Jazz's epic cluelessness about his sexuality. It amused me that he noticed every detail of the male characters and nothing about Gemma. Nope, you don't like boys at all, dude. I can tell. :)


theun4givables February 2 2013, 14:39:55 UTC
Thanks, dude. What's funny is that the teacher I based Ms. Esposito on? Yeah, she did that shit, too. Annoying as hell to hear for like the first month or so of school. lololol

Yes. Yes he is. Poor dude's gotta deal with the fallout, now, too. Uh oh.

lol Savin was TRYING to stand up for them...and not exactly doing anything useful. And Jazz really DID notice every detail about the boys...except for Savin. All we got out of him was Savin's glasses lolol. But I think Egan was distracting him a whole lot. I'm sure the eyes and (I think) long hair will register soon enough. ;)


alien_writings February 2 2013, 16:28:36 UTC
Oh man, this was so much fun. I, too, noticed how Jazz was checking out the dudes and didn't notice anything (except height) about Gemma (who was probably also not noticing anything about Jazz at the same time lol).

I can relate to the "annoying teacher name!fail" thing, too. I had a 9th grad Bio teacher who did something similar, only she kept calling me by a common nickname for my full name when I preferred the full name. Is four syllables really so much for someone to handle? Did I tell you I literally spelled my whole name out for her in 10th grade?

And lol the line about Dylan not being the greatest person to talk to about things. Haha, he really isn't. And lol Kalen screwing everything up. He really does do that, doesn't he?


theun4givables February 2 2013, 17:12:22 UTC
Dude, I noticed it, too, as I was writing it. Dude, you like guys. All you are focusing on are the guys. All of them. ALL OF THEM. Silly freshman. lolol

I had one in 8th grade who called me by an entirely different pronunciation of my name. My friends got more annoyed with him than I did, though. I kinda just accepted it and answered to it after a while lolol.

I figured you'd like that line. ;) And yes, Kalen does. Poor Kalen.


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