So, we're having ourselves
a delightful little measles outbreak round these partsEveryone wishing to smack the living daylights out of the tinfoil-hat-wearing idiots who think vaccines are a government conspiracy to make your child gay/autistic/ADD/Justin Bieber fans, form an orderly queue. Behind me
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Comments 6
I've never gotten the flu in a year I've had a flu shot, but I just read that healthy adults only have a 4% chance of getting the flu in the first place so that's not as impressive as I thought. But I do live with someone with a shitty immune system and severe asthma, so it's best if I don't bring any bugs home.
PS. The Meningococcal vaccine wasn't around until 1978 and Hep B in 1981, so you probably didn't have those. Here Hep B is required for adults.
Could be that your booster is to do with your work, depending upon the nationality of the foreigners you work with.
See, this is the kind of consideration I wish the anti-vaccine nutjobs had more of: awareness of all our responsibility to herd immunity.
Re: the MC and Hep B vax - ah, that's probably why then. Off to the doctor's office with me.
I remember getting a jab when I was about two or three. No idea which shot it was. The nurse asked me if I was going to be brave, and I promised I would be. Then I bawled anyway when she took the needle out.
I guess a doctor's visit *is* due, just to be sure. Hope your medico is awesome about it.
It's sort of weird for me in that in order to get my immigration forms processed I had to undergo all sorts of vaccinations (in some cases repeats of ones I'd already had), whereas I don't know if there are compulsory vaccination programs in the US for US residents...
I remember seeing the Truffaut film Small Change where there's a scene of the schoolkids lining up for their jabs - it was like picture day or something. And I thought how much easier that would be, just to have your jabs at school so if your parents were clueless or delusional or lazy about it, then you could get them anyway. Alas, such widespread health care for each and every citizen is patently un-American.
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