The Secret Life of Gene Hunt

May 12, 2010 18:03

So for a couple of episodes now, I've been noticing a strange sort of vibe between Chris and Gene.

First, a lot of people have noticed that the dead copper looks a lot like Chris, especially since Chris started streaking his hair blond:

Assuming that the dead cop is young Gene, I have to Chris actually Gene? If not literally, then maybe Chris is what Gene was really like when he died: a nervous, awkward young cop who worshipped his hardass DCI, and wanted to be like him so much that he actually BECAME him when he entered the copper's limbo? Think about it...if you suddenly found yourself in a world where you could be absolutely anyone you wanted, would you choose to be Chris Skelton, or Gene Hunt?

So, maybe what we're seeing of Gene Hunt in A2A is less The Last Temptation of Christ and more The Secret Life of Walter Mitty?

There's actually some background for this idea: in Life on Mars 1x04, Gene tells Sam about his mentor in the force, a man who eventually got involved in police corruption and killed himself when Gene grassed him out. Sound familiar? Chris is being coaxed to betray Gene, just like Gene betrayed his DCI (I also suspect that that particular incident had a lot to do with how the young cop ended up in that Lancashire field, but I digress).

Again, I don't like to think they're exactly the same person, because I want everyone in the copper's limbo to exist in their own right. But we have had some intriguing clues that hint at a connection between them. For example:

Chris is the one who opens the tin box containing the dead cop's photo in Alex's "pass-the-parcel" dream:

Plus, we see Chris wearing the dead copper's coat at Viv's funeral:

There have been other, subtler clues too, like Chris's line to Gene about a drug dealer dipping into his own wares in 3x04: "Could have been tempted, Guv." Yes,'d know all about temptation, wouldn't you? Not only from Keats, but from Martin Summers and Operation Rose last series as well.

Which leads me to the most intriguing link: when Gene finally uncovers Chris as the turncoat in 2x07, Chris tries to turn in his badge and leave the force. Gene doesn't let him. He tells Chris that he wants him to feel the depth of his betrayal to Shaz, Ray, the force, and himself every day for the rest of his life. He caps off his rather wonderful speech with the following, very interesting, line:

"Jail isn't your punishment, Chris...I am."

Now that's the kind of line that makes you wonder. There's the obvious, superficial meaning - "I'm going to watch you like a hawk and make your life a living hell from now on" - but also a possibly subtler reading: "You've taken the first step towards betrayal, Chris, and this is your punishment: to lead a life exactly like mine, and to make the same mistakes I made. Your punishment is to end up exactly like me."

As for the dead copper...I'm really intrigued about his backstory, but truthfully, I hope we don't spend too much time on it. We've only got two episodes left (and only one story; it's a two-parter!), and I want to spend as much time as possible with the gruff, growly Manc Lion we've all grown to know and love.

Thoughts? Spec? Ranting and raving? Better get your say in now; in a little more than two weeks we won't have any more new episodes to play with anymore. :(


meta, spec, ashes to ashes, theories, gene hunt

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