the luckiest man alive's six-month scream (though i'm sure i wasn't the only one thinking uncomfortable thoughts about jet cars during that bit)
slashers, you disappoint me - where are all the icons of james and jeremy doing the mason handshake?
james and richard being scared of jeremy's vaseline
james' ice cream truck police siren (playing the monty python theme!)
playing spot-your-current-(american)-home-city-on-british-telly...
also, a question for those who've been watching longer than i have - at what point exactly did hammond steal sam tyler's jacket?
seriously...has he always had that jacket and i just didn't notice? or did he maybe bump into sam tyler while he was in the coma? (and no, i'm not writing that crossover fic. 'my name is richard hammond. i had an accident, and i woke up in a bad piece of fanfic...')
anyway. was it just me, or has jeremy started doing richard's little bark-like 'no!!' when things go badly as he's driving? or did richard get that from jeremy? i also approve of the jokey slashy things like the vaseline moment...the top gear writers know their fandom very well, oh yes they do. :)
only nitpick: i hope they give james more to do next time. the poor boy's getting middle child syndrome.
in conclusion: yay, top gear's back!
*wanders off singing 'the boys are back in town'*