Drabble: Nightmares - Jensen/Misha, PG

Jan 30, 2010 22:49

For kaylbunny's prompt - Jensen/Misha, nightmares or trouble sleeping.

Nightmares - Jensen/Misha, PG

Misha stirs in his sleep. He lies there, eyes closed, unsure what has woken him.

The room is dark, the only illumination the barest trickle of sodium yellow streetlight creeping in around the blinds. Not enough to see by.

It’s too early for the alarm.

Next to him, Jensen murmurs something low and unintelligible and the muscles in the leg that lies flush and hot against Misha’s thigh twitch and jerk.

Misha reaches out blindly, arm settling over Jensen’s chest. The race of heartbeats under his fingertips hitches and begins its inevitable slow.

Misha lets himself be pulled back under.

fic:spn rps, drabble, fic, jensen/misha

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