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Song: "Island of Lost Souls"
Artist: Blondie
A little "best of" Lost tribute. I've had this idea for a while and kind of can't believe no one has ever used this song for this show before, other than that it is a little obscure.
Less than thirty hours 'til the series finale. *sniffle*
Comments 6
Poor Faraday and 257 other people! :( :(
But, yeah, Damon & Carlton aren't exactly shy about killin' folks. Which is part of what makes she show truly great. There are some (for instance, SPN) that suffer from "We just can't kill 'em! We just can't!" trouble.
Did you cry at the finale? I did!
I was a big sobby mess at the finale. Commented in more detail in your journal just now. :)
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