This is old news by now, but there's been
a controversy brewing over in WoW-landia about the company's ill-conceived decision to invoke their own sexual harassment policy to ban a guild calling itself "GLBT-friendly," saying that the name was liable to encourage anti-GLBT name calling. I mean puh-lease--a lamer version of the old don't-ask-don't-tell I've never seen. This when other guilds
I've read about through all this have names like "the Stonewall Champions," or what I can only call the stealth-porn (& hilarious) name "the Spreading Taint." Not to mention the good naughty fun of
the Night-Elf Pole Dancing brigade--it's far too late to attempt to clamp down the lid on sexual expressions of many stripes in that space.
Our friend
Dan Terdiman interviewed Randomos about this, who tells me he is contemplating giving up his WoW account in protest.
Along a similar tangent, was out too late last night, meeting
one of Ron's friends and colleagues who is in town, though a great time it was. She being from New York, the conversation turned at points to the differences between our two coasts/cities, and eventually wound around to the overwhelming police response to the republican convention of a few years back. By the time she got around to Rev. Billy--apparently, her brother's a big fan--it was clear Ron's hunch that this would be someone I'd enjoy meeting was spot on. Plus she's written a paper on
"Tourism in Virtual Worlds". Hm.