Title: Going to Ibiza
Written By:
zortranaTimeline: Season four
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst
What if: Based on two plot bunnies: “What if Justin was the one that found the lump in Brian's ball?” from
loud99 and “What if Debbie hadn't gotten angry with Brian's 'lucky to have 4 years' remark after Vic died? Would Brian have gone to Babylon for the great discovery?” from
girloftheburbs. As
girloftheburbs requested this is NOT a death fic.
Author's Notes: This fic follows canon up to the scene at Debbie’s house in 406 and assumes you are familiar with canon. I did just enough research on testicular cancer to know that QAF was not entirely accurate, so I am not going to worry about it either.
Thank you to
shadownyc for the beta.
Justin went into Deb’s house and headed straight to her. “I’m so sorry, Deb.” He reached down and hugged her, knowing the words were inadequate to express how terrible he felt about the loss of her brother.
“Thank you, Sunshine.”
Brian followed Justin in and closed the door behind them. Michael immediately walked up and embraced his best friend. Brian pulled him close. “What the fuck happened?” Brian asked Ben, looking over Michael’s shoulder.
“His heart. The doctor said his cholesterol was sky high from the meds he was taking.”
“There was no warning, nothing,” Michael added, releasing Brian.
“I thought the meds were supposed to keep you alive, not kill you.” Hunter said, more subdued than normal.
Ben looked over at the kid. “It doesn’t always work that way.” Hunter deflated even more.
Brian walked over to Deb and gripped her shoulder. Deb took his hand and held it briefly and he knelt in front of her.
“I thought we would have more time than this,” Rodney suddenly spoke, tears streaming down his face.
Emmett moved over to the distraught man. “You guys should have had a lot more time. It’s tragic.”
Brian huffed. “Hamlet’s tragic. Platform shoes are tragic. Vic was on his deathbed four years ago. All this was gravy. He knew that.”
“What did you say?” Deb asked, tuning in for the first time.
“Going this way. It could have been a lot worse. If you ask me, he was fucking lucky.”
Deb looked at Brian in dismay; then saw the grief in his eyes. “It doesn’t feel lucky,” she said softly, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
The room plunged into silence until the arrival of Mel and Linds a few moments later.
The next day Justin was covering Deb’s shift at the diner when Brian called to say that he was going to see Gus after work. The girls were headed over to Deb’s to help with keeping an eye on Rodney and to assist with the funeral plans. Justin made a few plans of his own and after his shift he took a quick shower at the loft and made for Woody’s. Brian was clearly affected by Vic’s death and a trip to Ibiza seemed like a better idea than ever. Luckily, Shane was in the same spot.
“Hi,” Justin greeted him. “Wasn’t I supposed to help you unpack some boxes?”
Shane grinned. “What’s with you and the tall guy and the bet?”
Justin flashed a smile back. “The tall guy is the one I fuck more than once and as soon as I help you unpack, he’ll owe me a vacation. You got a problem with that?”
“Not at all,” Shane replied. “No problem at all.”
Brian was home drinking in the dark when Justin arrived. “Time to book our flights.” Justin announced, waving Shane’s business card triumphantly.
Brian snatched the card out of Justin’s hand. “Oooh, a docttoooor. Was he any good?”
“Not as good as our trip to Ibiza is going to be,” Justin gloated.
Neither Brian nor Justin had felt like eating at Deb’s after the funeral and they had ordered from their favorite Chinese place instead. Sitting on the futon cushions by the coffee table, Justin fed Brian the last of the shrimp and then they cracked open the fortune cookies.
“‘A surprise awaits you’,” Brian read. “What’s yours say?”
Justin started to read his with his mouth still full, “The man you love will slowly and sensuously peel off all his clothes for you, exposing his perfect body, then he will take out his beeeauutiful dick. And you can suck it.” Justin lay across Brian’s lap and Brian obligingly kissed him.
“This is one long fortune.”
“There’s more.” Justin pulled them down on to the futon cushions.
“Oh?” Brian asked as his partner planted small kisses all over his face. Justin was still chewing the last of his dinner.
“Next, he will rim your ass to get you crazy and then ram his cock up you,” Justin swallowed the rest of his dinner and continued, “and fuck you so hard you pass out.”
“In bed,” Brian added, as Justin pressed light kisses on his chin and neck.
“You are supposed to add “in bed” to the end of every fortune.”
Justin kissed Brian’s mouth. “I was thinking -- on the floor.”
“Okay.” Brian resumed planting small kisses.
The younger man slid his hand into his lover’s pants. Brian groaned as the hand slowly massaged him, and then pulled away. Justin made quick work of Brian’s buttons and pulled the jeans down as Brian obligingly lifted up his hips. Justin kissed his way down to Brian’s cock and began softly stroking and massaging the man’s balls. Abruptly, he stopped.
“Hey, you forget what you were doing down there?” Justin looked up and something in his face made Brian sit up. “What’s the matter with you?”
“Brian, there is some kind of lump on your left testicle.”
“What are you talking about? You fuck a doctor and now you’re doing exams?” Brian tried to laugh it off.
“I’m serious. I know your fucking balls better than I know my own and YOU HAVE A LUMP.” Justin was insistent. “Here, feel it for yourself!”
Brian felt where Justin’s fingers were. He felt a cold stab of fear shoot through him. “I don’t know, maybe.”
“You have to make a doctor’s appointment and get it checked out. It’s probably nothing but an ingrown hair or something. But still.”
“Christ, Sunshine, do you read medical journals in your spare time?” Brian fastened his pants and got up off the futon. Justin sat for a few minutes, knowing the discussion was over, and trying to quiet his thoughts.
Justin was on the Internet researching when Brian called. “Hey.”
“Hey. You’ve left me twelve messages. Don’t you think that’s a bit much? Cynthia is getting ready to block your number.”
“Did you call the doctor?” Justin listened to several seconds of silence. “Brian?”
“Yeah, he referred me to a urologist. My appointment is tomorrow.”
“I’m going.”
“No fucking way! I don’t need you there.”
“C’mon Brian, I just want to see some hot doc handling your balls
Justin sat quietly while the doctor explained the scans Brian was looking at. “I suspect it is a seminoma, a form of testicular cancer quite common in men your age. However, we can’t be sure until we perform a biopsy.”
“And how do you do that?” Brian asked.
“Well, first we have to remove the testicle,” the doctor responded. Justin struggled to keep from reacting.
Brian handed the scans back with a small nod. “That’s what I was afraid you were going to say. And if I don’t have cancer then…you put it back in?”
“Unfortunately, no.
“I was afraid you were going to say that, too.”
“However, the good news is that the procedure is relatively simple. As for the other testes it will be completely functional and neither your sexual performance nor your fertility will be affected.”
“That IS good news,” Brian said dryly.
“That’s right, honey,” Justin injected. “You know I wanted to get pregnant this year.” He looked at the doctor, “We’d like to have at least four children.” Justin knew that Brian couldn’t handle tears or fear from him.
Brian shot Justin a quelling look and turned back to the doctor. “So, I’ll be a one-ball wonder?” Brian tried to continue the joking.
“No, no, no, we will give you a prosthetic replacement.” The doctor got a box down and opened it to show samples. “Here, help yourself.”
“Sometimes, you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.”
It was Justin’s turn to shoot Brian a look.
“It will look and feel completely natural, of course we try to match your original testicle as closely as possible.”
“Not too big, not too small, but...just… right.”
“C’mon Brian, try one” Justin urged. Reluctantly Brian picked up one of the prostheses and Justin reached for another.
Brian rolled the fake ball in his fingers. “So, what are my chances?”
“With surgery and follow-up treatment, 99%. Not bad.” Justin released a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“And without surgery?” Brian tossed the ball into the air and the doctor caught it easily.
“The cancer will spread through your body and invade your vital organs and you will die.”
Justin placed the prosthesis back in the box, suddenly unable to speak or even look at Brian.
They went outside and got into the corvette. “Brian,” Justin started.
“Don’t say anything.”
Justin kept quiet until they arrived at the loft. “It’s going to be okay, Brian, we caught it in time. Let’s make the appointment at the oncology center at Johns Hopkins; the doctor said it is the best.”
“Pack your things up.”
“You heard me, pack up your things and go back to Daphne’s. I …don’t… want…you here.”
Justin was furious “Brian. I don’t care what you want. You are not getting rid of me.”
“Why not? You’re going to leave eventually anyway!”
Justin stared at him in disbelief, “You think I’d leave because you’re having a ball removed? Why, because you won’t be perfect any more? Believe me, Mr. Kinney, that is the least of your imperfections. If I had wanted to leave you, I have had plenty of better reasons to leave!”
“Well, maybe you should have!” Brian shouted.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” Justin was nodding. “But I thought we were partners and that we have a commitment and I intend to honor it.”
Something inside Brian snapped and he angrily grabbed Justin by the arm and began to forcibly drag the man to the door. Justin executed a Cody-taught breakaway move and shoved Brian hard, sending him stumbling back. They both stared at each other, breathing hard, for a long tense moment.
“You are a total shit for trying to get rid of me. I’m going to be with you every fucking step of the way. So just get the fuck over yourself.” Justin was as angry as Brian had ever seen him. His blue eyes were blazing. “I love you and I am not going anywhere without you!”
Brian looked at him stunned and then his body relaxed slightly. Justin saw it and grinned, “And now I am going to cook you a healthy dinner full of antioxidants and you are going to eat it, too.”
Nodding slightly, Brian grinned back, “Don’t push your luck.”
The IV was running into Brian’s arm, filled with “something to relax him” before the surgery. Justin could see Brian getting woozy. He stroked Brian’s hair softly. “Look on the bright side of things; at least next time Mel or Debbie comes after your balls, they’ll have to have better aim.”
Brian snorted. “Your jokes are getting worse.” He turned his head and looked at Justin seriously, “Promise me something.”
Justin’s heart clenched. “Anything, Brian, anything at all.”
“You’ll go back to school starting with the summer session.”
Justin looked at the pale man in the bed with disbelief. “Bastard,” he said.
Brian grinned smugly at the fuming blond. Just then a medical assistant came into the room. “You have to leave now, sir. We’re taking the patient to surgery.”
Justin leaned over and gave Brian a soft kiss. “Later,” he whispered.
Brian nodded. “Later.”