(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 19:25

Dog Beach is twice as crowded now that the summer's almost over, everybody trying to get in their last hurrah before school starts up again. Her mom and dad had all but shoved Mac out the door when they found her curled up with her PowerBook for the tenth day straight -- no change from the past few summers, but they'd convinced themselves that the reasons for her seclusion ran deep enough to touch graduation night this time.

"I told you, it's for my job," she'd protested. "The one I got with an independent company so I can actually go to college?"

They hadn't budged, and, grudgingly, Mac had traded her laptop for her iPod and Watership Down before leaving.

She's on a bench now, set back from the worst of the sand and waves and crowds. Ravel's "Boléro" provides a quiet soundtrack -- even if most of it's dampened by the ocean and excited shouts -- to her reading.

"A rabbit has two ears; a rabbit has two eyes, two nostrils. Our two warrens ought to be like that. They ought to be together -- not fighting. We ought to make other warrens between us -- start one between here and Efrafa, with rabbits from both sides. You wouldn't lose by that, you'd gain. We both would."
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