Reverse Request Post!

Jul 15, 2009 04:05

crosswhisper reminded me that I cheated after filling one of youkofujima's. So.

Like a kink meme and a request post put together, this is a reverse request meme. Take ten things you really want to see either fanart or fanfic of (don't be greedy, only ten or less!) and then see if anyone on your flist would fill them for you. Have them put their requests on their LJ and fill something for them!


1. The Italy brothers at home, cooking together. It doesn't necessarily have to be fluffy, but make them brotherly. No shipping allowed.
Art filled here by hypallage; fic filled here by sadlygrove and here by gngstermoney32!

2. FrancexAustria, from the age of empire. Something around the idea of "Your move." Maybe they're literally playing a game against each other, maybe it's politics, or veiled flirting, maybe it's a fight, I'm down with whatever.
Filled here by fallenxembers17!

3. Napoleonic France and England straight-up hating each other. No hatesex. Just hate.
Filled here by lockean!

4. LANGUAGE KINK. I don't care who, I don't care what languages. I just want an argument about whose language is best. Sex is optional. If there is sex, dirty talk in their languages (and bickering about how that's so much hotter/more intimate in my language, you know) is not optional.
Filled here by miss_chella!

5. Japan and America making up some ridiculous card game together. They can invent any rule they want, so long as it doesn't contradict any previous rules. Basically the card/RPG version of Calvinball. Make them take it really seriously. Combine incompatible decks. Think of a hand like: a two of clubs, a Joker, a Circle of Protection: Blue, and a Summon Fire Atronach (3 red mana). Then have some clueless third party come in and ask them what the hell they're doing (inadvertently breaking their concentration). I really don't care what happens after that.
Filled here by animedutchess!

6. More prudish, Victorian England, who gets all flustered at the sight of chair legs! littleduchess already did this for me, but I can't get enough of it.

7. JapanxEngland: something other than bondage and tea. I want to ship this, you guys. I want to ship it so bad. But all anyone ever writes about involving the two of them is their shared love of kinky sex and hot beverages! Or how loooonely they both are. There's gotta be more to it than that! Make them have an interesting conversation where they're actually enjoying each other's company. That would rock.
Filled here by ryoku_chan and here by ghostofthemotif!

8. Demented, starry-eyed, obsessed Lithuania kidnapped young, innocent Belarus and kept her locked in a room in his house for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. (This really happened.) Not that he'd ever lay a hand on her! Oh, no. She's his princess! She may be in chains, but he takes such good care of her. Make him hella creepy, and Belarus young, frightened, but dignified and resolute, waiting for the day when her beloved brother will save her. THEN HE DOES (in a partitioning--I'm not making any of this up). And that's why she's fixated on him. IT NEEDS FIC. You can tackle this whole scenario or just a part of it, I'm not picky. Bonus points for creepy Liet washing Bela's hair for her. I'd die.
Filled here by clover_magic and here by ghostofthemotif!

9. Oh balls: a meteorite is going to hit the Earth in two days. No, there's nothing anyone can do about it. We're all going to die. Who do the nations spend their last hours with, and what do they take the opportunity to say? NO UKxUS! This is my request meme, goddammit, and I can say no UKxUS if I want to.
Filled here by wizzard890 and here by dragonsflame713!

10. FOR THE ARTISTS: Russia and America in each other's prop clothes. So, America in Russia's scarf, and Russia trying on America's glasses. They can be lounging on a couch together and being cute about it, or they can be standing apart and looking all tsundere about it, or anything else you can think of. I just really want to see this. Bonus points: if you read Scar, then scarred!America in a scarf, with a pipe, wins all the bonus points I have.
Filled here by mimiru12, here by tijerita, here by zesquivailence, here by hi_no_neko, here by youkofujima as a two-page comic and a picture, here by hypallage, here by lilichen, here as a comic by may_chan, here and here by bridgetsmidge18, here by kyo_starr, and here by madgirl_l! (H-holy shit, you guys, why so amazing?)


Edit: OH MY GOD ARE YOU ALL HIGH OR SOMETHING? MULTIPLE FILLS ARE INCREDIBLY OKAY WITH ME. STOP WITH THE "OH NOES SOMEBODY ALREADY CLAIMED IT" TALK. Especially about the art. I just want to see pictures of Russia/America, okay. That's all. That's all I want. If I am so unbelievably lucky as to get more than one amazing picture of Russia/America out of this, I will be ecstatic.

discuss, fanfic, fanart

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