Cover Hog

May 08, 2009 08:10

Title: Cover Hog
Author: pyrokitten77
Fandom: X-Men
Pairing: None.
Rating: PG-13 for cursing.
Summary: Living with an ice cube has to suck sometimes.
Prompt: Stutter.

“Bobby! Wake the f-f-f-uck up.”

John kicks Bobby's bed as he pulls his blanket closer to his freezing body.


The blonde shifts in his sleep, but doesn't wake up.

“Jes-s-s-us fucking Christ.” He mutters. The pyrokinetic glares at his stupid popsicle of a roommate.

“Im'a b-b-body tackle your s-s-s-tupid ass.”

Even though he knows Bobby didn't hear his warning, he considers it fair enough and jumps directly on top of his slumbering friend.

Bobby jerks awake, confused as hell, but only for a moment. He sees John wiggling around on his lap looking like a distressed worm and glares sleepily.

“What the fuck, John?”

The brunette rolls over and sends his own glare.

“You t-t-tell me, Iceman. You're the one who dec-c-cided it was t-t-too warm in here.”

It's then that Bobby sees the puffs of air as the other teen speaks. He blushes and ducks his head.

“Shit. Sorry, man.”

“Of course you are.” John rolls off Bobby's bed after he tugs the blonde's blanket from around his form.

“Hey! That's mine!”

“I know.” John says as he curls up in his bed with both covers wrapped snug around him. “Now it's mine.”

title: c, fandom: x-men, genre: humor, genre: friendship, rating: pg-13, my writings

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