Try putting your alarm clock somewhere across the room where you have to get out of bed and stumble over to it in order to turn it off. That way you should be marginally awake and won't fall asleep again.
Or you could set two alarms... like, one on your cellphone and one on the real clock. The one on your cell could be 5-10min later, that way you get a little snooze action in. That's what I have to do. ^^;;
Hmm... analysis sounds bad. Physics sort of ate my face: you'll need to do a lot of self-teaching for a good AP score. I had Jenkins for French, and she's a decent enough teacher, even if she is a bit anal-retentive. Rubino is going to rock your socks completely; just keep up with the notes and listen carefully and you'll be fine. The rest you pretty much know about already. I have an AP Physics study book if you want it.
You had Jenkins for French? OK, a) you took french before Latin?, b) huh, I've never heard of a teacher teaching two classes..., and c) I've only heard of...shit, what's her name? Well anyway, that other french teacher, I've only heard of her teaching french.
Comments 6
I have an AP Physics study book if you want it.
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