(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 14:15

My second mumbling for 30_fantasies, I was listening to the theme to Silent Hill 2 (one of the best creations ever) and it just totaly flooded my head with ideas... so I splayed some down in word and made it into 2/30. Only 28 left to go! My shortest work yet... enjoy.

Title: Bright Light City
Fandom: FFX (pre game)
Subject: Auron
Theme: #29 Nature vs. Technology. (Spira vs Zanakand)
Disclaimer: I do not own or make money from FFX.

The streets were alive with light. Buildings whose roof tops were long swallowed by the sky watched him, tauntingly smiling from every one of their hundreds of windows. Noise skimmed through the concrete streets and echoed disorientating against enclosed walls.
Auron understood why Jecht was unsure what to make of Spira; he was experiencing the same with Zanarkand. The unnatural hum of machina, dancing with the neon and grimy smells confused his senses. He understood how it had taken Spira a thousand years to recover from such human torture; he could see no grass, nor plant life for miles, just hundreds upon hundreds of people.
Water surrounded the city on all sides; it blushed mimicking the buildings, its body crystal clean and eerily calm in a city of so much bustle.
He knelt down by the edge, taking a small comfort in something so abstractly beautiful in a land of things so sharp and cold.
He wasn’t sure where he was supposed to find Jechts son, but somehow in a city of thousands, he knew he’d find him; Jecht would guide him in the right direction.
He was in no rush to meet him; he had little to no idea how he was going to explain this away.
Excuse me Miss, I knew your husband, he’s dead, I’m sorry for your loss. Do you mind if I move in and take care of your son?
He knew he’d need to get this right first time to have any chance of not being labelled a home wrecking pervert. He certainly didn’t want to give the impression he was there for any reason other than because Jecht wished it.

“Sir?” A woman approached. He tried to ignore her but she moved closer. “Sir are you alright?”
He moved his gaze from the water and stared up at her. She visibly flinched, taking a small step back.
“What?” he snapped.
“Nothing, I’m so sorry Sir!” she said quietly, backing away attempting to make a fast exit. Auron stared after her as she left, wondering if all the people of Zanarkand were that… unstable. He returned his gaze to the water.
It was the first time he’d seen himself since… well…
He realised immediately her reaction as he recoiled slightly himself.
Tensely he trailed his fingers over the scar obstructing his right eye running down his throat. He frowned and tugged his collar up around his face, it was more for comfort, it made little real difference. He glanced around; quite a few people where pretending not to stare. Obviously no-one sat in one place for very long in Zanarkand without something being seriously wrong with them. He got to his feet, smartly dusted himself down. He scowled at the people who watched him; unaware of how his clothes branded him instantly apart, and disgusted by their morbid curiosity as he felt eager eyes graze over his face.

He made a decision that maybe now would be the perfect time to begin his search for Tidus.
He paced down a street, which looked very much like any other street. At the far end, he paused at a small stall. He picked up a pair of Zanarkand Abes souvenir sunglasses; he examined them for a few seconds.
“How much?” when he received no response he raised his head and looked at the small shopkeeper directly. “How-much?” The small man looked unnerved by his firm words but held his ground.
“Just take them.” He said, unable to hide the waver in his voice.
Auron pushed the glasses onto the bridge of his nose.
“Thanks.” He stated blankly as he strode away.

auron, ffx, final fantasy x

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