Alright. I'll admit- I hated Donna on Who and am delighted she's gone, and in such a way as to prevent her from showing up again.
However... I know that some folks I know really loved her, so this fic I read needs to be shared. (its from a series-just know Buffy is immortal and traveling with the Doctor.)
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Sep 08, 2008 20:14
Just got the rant for gaming club- I'm abit hesitant about parts of it, I remember how certain officers were previous years they were in power in bitching and lecturing to everyone. And some of what was included has me concerned about that being repeated this year
Read more... )
Aug 23, 2008 22:20
So... Busy. Like on thursday
night? And last weekend?
And all the other times?
Say hi to kelly tomorrow for
me, that is if your not to busy
i think i'll see what my friends
are doing. I have a movie i
think john will like .
Aug 13, 2008 10:19
A way to enter (and exit) the worlds of tv, books, movies, etc. Imagine the fun.
writer's block