
Jan 31, 2007 19:51

He's been waiting all morning for the pomp of the King of Cathal's arrival with his troops to be over, paying as much attention to the antics of Diarmuid and Aileron as they attempt to one-up each other as he can, fear and fury growing with each passing moment ( Read more... )

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first_of_dana February 2 2007, 04:28:04 UTC
"Some through speaking to Finn in that tavern, though I'm not often there." Her glance flickers to Pwyll. "Though I did warn him about the Worflord. But we watch, mostly . . ."

She trails off, hesitates, and looks uncomfortable when she speaks.



pwyll_twiceborn February 2 2007, 04:42:08 UTC
"The young one?" Paul asks, a little blankly. "The one who spied on us?"


first_of_dana February 2 2007, 04:46:32 UTC
Jaelle nods, and wanders over to the harp, pulling two strings and letting the sound die away completely before she speaks.

"She is tuned to Finn, somehow. Exactly how, I don't understand," she says, quietly. Jaelle does not like not understanding things.

"But she sees him, and he is almost always with Darien. And we take them food, once a week, as well."


pwyll_twiceborn February 2 2007, 04:49:07 UTC
Once a week?

Alone in the country, by themselves - a boy and a woman and a child not seven months old, a child of more importance than can possibly be guessed -

"What about an attack? Can't they just take him?" he demands, and his voice is dry with fear again.


first_of_dana February 2 2007, 04:58:19 UTC
"Why should they be attacked?" she asks, fingers still light on the harp strings. "A mother with two small children. Who even knows they're there?"


pwyll_twiceborn February 2 2007, 05:00:31 UTC
He draws a breath.

It seems like obvious, pure folly to him - and Jen's tears, Jaelle's fingers on the harp, all are serving to put him further on edge.

"Wolves? Galadan's wolves?"


first_of_dana February 2 2007, 05:11:59 UTC
Jaelle shakes her head, and does not point out gain that she's not a fool, that she would not send Vae and Finn and Darien someplace unsafe.

Pwyll is frighted, Jennifer has a right to know.

"They never go there. They never have. There is a power by that lake warding them."


pwyll_twiceborn February 2 2007, 05:13:39 UTC
"What power?"

Not all powers, as Jaelle ought to know, are beneficial - or come without a price.


first_of_dana February 2 2007, 05:25:21 UTC
She does. She knows. But there are limits on the number of safe, secret places. Sometimes all a priestess can do is pray that she has made the best of a set of things that can scarcely be called choices.

"I don't know," she admits, quietly. "I truly don't. No one in Gwen Ystrat knows."


still_golden February 2 2007, 05:45:27 UTC
Jen speaks up, quietly.

"Kim does, I'll bet."


pwyll_twiceborn February 2 2007, 06:59:15 UTC
There is a long silence, broken only by the sound of Jaelle's fingers on the harp.

The notes follow one another at random, the way a child might play.

Paul tries not to listen. But eventually there comes a knocking, and - "Yes?" Paul says; grateful for the respite, for the breaking of the silence.

For the pause in the harp-notes.


still_golden February 2 2007, 16:48:21 UTC
The door opens and reveals Brendel, eyes dark, who steps inside and gives all three of a quick glance. "I heard the music."

Then his eyes go to Jennifer. "I was looking for you."

She meets his gaze, puzzled, as he continues, "Someone is here. I think you should come."

Jen wipes her face and stands to follow him, wondering if she imagined the sorrow in his eyes. Paul and Jaelle follow her, side by side; the lios alfar comes last, closing the door and then leading them on.


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