Every Little Thing She Does... (Billy/Rachel, London, May 2005)

Sep 29, 2008 20:21

Title: Every Little Thing She Does...
Authors: msilverstar and unstealthy
Pairing: Billy Boyd/Rachel Weisz
Rating: NC-17
Warning: D/s, roleplay
Disclaimer: It's not true. Really.
Summary: May 2005. Rachel and Billy don't know each other that well, and try something new. For all fics in this universe in chronological order, please see the Master List.


Billy hasn't known Rachel that long, mainly as a gorgeous submissive sex partner and a new friend who likes good films and doner kebab. After he's stayed the night, when she comes out of her bathroom one morning dressed to the nines like that Anna Wintour or someone equally formidable, it takes him a moment to understand what he's seeing, and another to appreciate it. Rachel's hair is done in some sleek style, shining as neatly a a raven's wing. Her face is somehow more remote than usual, though it's her lovely smile, and Billy can never resist smiling back.

"Do you like this look?" Rachel enjoys dressing up, loves wearing high heels that make her feel more like the ideal height she wishes she was. She twirls and poses for Billy. "What do you think?"

"Oh, Ms. Weisz, you look fantastic!" She's so very tall. Billy doesn't particularly like her body encased in a suit, no matter how fashionable or tasteful. But the whole outfit, with the shoes that make her so tall, is stunning -- and he is stunned. It makes him want to play. "When will you be home, Ms. Weisz?" he goes on as the secretary or butler or whatever he's pretending to be now.

Oh, this has potential. "In a couple of hours," Rachel says, pretending to be distracted and rummaging in her handbag. "If you could order some lunch for me and sort my post by the time I get back, that would be great." She turns to Billy and gives him a beaming smile. "See you later." Rachel heads out of the door, enjoying the way the heels make her swing her hips and grinning to herself as she hears Billy whistling 'Every Little Thing She Does is Magic'.

Finishing the tune, Billy enjoys the show of her delectable arse, and hips, and long lovely legs, and... He turns back to his laptop, grinning, and finds the number for that Ethiopian place, the one where you use your hands to eat everything. They do delivery, and he arranges it with only a few trans-lingual misunderstandings. Billy isn't too productive for the next few hours, what with thinking about Rachel in that sharp suit, and wondering what if she has a sexy bra on, and if her skirt will go up over her hips or if he'll have to pull it down, and whether she's wearing stay-ups underneath. He does sort Rachel's post though, piling it into separate stacks of bills, charity appeals, fat envelopes that must be scripts, and some fan letters that have got past her PA.


Her meetings finally over, Rachel sits in a taxi heading home. She'd considered having a wander along the shops on Bond Street, but decided against it, wanting to get back to Billy and spend time with him while he's in London. By the time she climbs the stairs up to her flat, she's excited to see him, and calls, "Hellooo!" as she turns the key and opens the front door. Dropping her keys and handbag on the hall table, she goes into the living room. Billy's standing by the desk, hands behind his back, looking hopeful. He's wearing a waistcoat, and rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. It's a very appealing look.

Playing it by ear -- it's really improv for an audience of the two of them -- Billy puts on his most innocent and hopeful look, saying, "May I take your coat, Ms. Weisz?"

Rachel smiles, trying not to look too gleeful. "Thank you," she says, turning, as Billy lifts her jacket off her shoulders and allows her to shrug out of it. When she turns back, he's heading out of the room, presumably to hang up her jacket. Not wanting to let him out of her sight, she says, "It's okay, leave my jacket on a chair."

"Of course, Ms. Weisz," Billy says, and smiles shyly, because she's far more beautiful that he remembered, and isn't it funny how his brain will do that. Shyly because the tea boy or butler would never presume... "I ordered lunch for you, some Ethiopian food, I can have it on the table in a jiffy."

"I see you've sorted my post like I asked, too," Rachel eyes the piles of envelopes on the desk. She takes a step nearer to Billy. "You've done very well."

She's close enough, and her heels are high enough that Billy has to tilt his head up a bit to look at her. He can smell her perfume, and just a hint of her own smell, he can feel the heat of his own body, and imagine he feels hers: the air between them seems to crackle with attraction. "Thank you, Ms. Weisz, I try to give satisfaction," he answers, putting just a tiny bit of innuendo into his voice.

"Please," Rachel says. "Call me Rachel." She smiles and takes half a step closer. "I'd like to discuss your job performance so far."

Billy gulps. "I hope," he says, almost breathless because she's so near to him. He can see the curve of her neck, the little freckle on her ear, the way her hair is starting to escape its careful arrangement, and he yearns to touch her. "Please do notify me of any mistake, or any tasks I may have missed, as your new butler." There, he's set the role quite nicely, and he's so completely ready to butle in any way she wants him to.

His usual demeanour is cracking slightly. Rachel smiles. "Oh, quite the opposite," she says. "You've done very well so far. Very well indeed." The last three words Rachel murmurs in Billy's ear, wondering if she can get him any more flustered without touching him.

"Thank you, ehm, Rachel," Billy answers, holding his hands firmly behind his back.

Deciding he's far too composed, Rachel trails her forefinger along his jaw. "I'd like to reward you, I think."

Jaw set, Billy stands as still has he possibly can, but a little shiver runs through him that he can't suppress, and a noise, nearly a moan, leaks out. "Please," he says, not quite knowing what he's asking for but desperate for it anyway.

Just the reaction she'd been hoping for. "Have you got anything in mind?" Rachel asks, tracing the outline of Billy's ear.

"Anything," Billy whispers, "a touch, a kiss, anything." He suspects that's not the answer they teach at butler school, but Rachel has him wrapped round her finger, and he wants to kneel down and taste her so much that it hurts.

Stepping closer, Rachel brushes up against Billy's body, feeling the hard ridge in his trousers. It excites her that he's so aroused, but she reins herself in. Following the path her finger has just taken, she runs the tip of her tongue around the edge of his ear. This all probably won't help employer-employee relations, but it's fun.

Billy's eyes close as he feels her come tantalizingly close, little sparks of sensation running through him as she brushes his body. He leans into her touch, his hands reach towards her, and he moans, "May I touch you?"

"Please do," she murmurs, and turns his head to kiss him on the mouth.

Tentatively, Billy presses his mouth against Rachel's, happy to follow her lead. He slides a hand around to rest against the small of her back, the other very gently cupping her head, and smiles into the kiss.

He's as good a kisser as his lovely mouth would indicate. Rachel gently slips her tongue between his lips and closes her eyes, losing herself in the pleasure of a first kiss. Before she gets too involved, she breaks it off and turns them so she can perch on the edge of the desk. Billy's breathing hard, and she allows her eyes to fall to the bulge at his crotch.

Following Rachel's lead, Billy leans in to lick his way very gently down her neck, short soft licks that seem to make her happy. "Beautiful woman," he murmurs against her skin, "what would you like, what should I do?" It's fucking fabulous to let her take control, he can just be the greedy mouth, the hands and cock to go as she directs. He only hopes it's not over too fast.

"Undo my blouse," she whispers, unbearably excited by his mouth on her neck.

"Yes, Miss," Billy says, as he opens the first button and kisses down her bare skin. Using her name would remind him too much of their other dynamic, and he finds himself wanting to please her in a whole different way.

"I said to undo my blouse, that's all," Rachel says firmly. "I want you to look at me."

Stung at her rebuke, Billy's head snaps up to meet her eyes. "Yes, Miss," he says quietly, as he undoes another button.

Rachel smiles and strokes his head. "Your kisses are nice," she says, "But I want to be looked at. I want to see your face when you look at me." She watches him as he undoes the final button and spreads the two sides of her blouse apart.

"God, you're beautiful," Billy says, his eyes watching her breasts as she breathes, and then moving down to the place where her stomach starts its gentle swell. He wants her naked, now, but he'll take whatever she'll give.

"Thank you," she says. He's devouring her with his eyes, and it brings out the exhibitionist in her. Slowly she runs her hands up her body to her breasts, cupping them before undoing the clasp at the front of her bra and exposing her breasts to Billy's gaze. Her nipples harden and she shivers a little.

Billy doesn't quite whimper when she starts stripping in front of him, but it's a near call. His mouth is suddenly dry and he's yearning to touch so much that it surprises him.

"D'you like what you see?" Rachel asks, arching her back. She squeezes her breasts, pressing them together, lifting them and rolling the flesh around. It's incredibly exciting, having him look at her like this, makes her feel powerful.

"Yes, Miss, please..." Billy blurts out, and finds himself blushing.

"Kiss me," Rachel orders. "On my mouth, and then use your mouth on my tits."

This time Billy does moan, right into her mouth as he kisses her. He's bolder, pushing past her lips, teasing round her breast with his hand as he does. His other hand wraps round to steady her, hold her close as he finally tastes her properly, pleased by her eager response. When she tugs his shoulder, guiding him to kiss down her neck, his mouth is more demanding as he revisits the places she liked before, but he's careful not to leave any mark on her lovely skin.

He's devouring her, lapping hungrily at her skin. Rachel hums appreciatively, enjoying his obedient attentiveness. "That's it, good," she murmurs. "Keep going."

With a last, slightly harder kiss to the lovely dip at the base of her neck, Billy moves down an indirect path towards her right tit, which he's cupping in his hand, thumb stroking gently. Rachel's hums become more intense, and she presses towards him as he sucks her sweet nipple into his mouth.

"Oh!" Rachel can't help saying as Billy latches on to her nipple. Her knickers are soaking, it feels amazing. "More, harder!"

"Yes, Miss," Billy says, grinning against her skin, and then he pulls her nipple harder, teasing it with his tongue, savouring the way she moves against him. Rachel's little breathy noises are one of the sexiest things he's ever heard, he can't help but answer her, moaning against her nipple. Then he substitutes his thumb on that side, and licks his way over to the other tit, opening his mouth to take as much of it in as he can manage.

She could almost come just from this, but it's not quite enough. "Stand up," she orders. "Take off your clothes, I want my butler naked and standing in front of me." She rests all her weight on the edge of the desk to watch, gripping it with her hands so she isn't tempted to touch herself -- or him.

Billy straightens up with a little creak of his back and murmurs, "Yes, Miss." He takes off his clothes the way a butler would: shoes and socks first, then waistcoat, folding it carefully on to a chair. Standing before Rachel, he unbuttons his shirt sleeves and then the front, feeling the heat of her gaze on his body.

Rachel's resolve crumbles as Billy's chest is exposed to her. As he tugs his shirt out of his trousers, she says, "Come here." He shrugs out of the shirt and steps close to her, feet either side of hers. His chest is covered in soft hair, incredibly masculine, and he obviously keeps himself in shape. "You're gorgeous," she murmurs, stroking her hands down his body from his shoulders, over the contours of his chest.

Draping the shirt across a chair, Billy leans forward, his skin heating under her fingers. He says, "Thank you, Miss," to both the compliment and the touch.

He's being far too self-controlled, Rachel thinks. She wants to see his reserve crumble. "Trousers off. All of it off. Stand back so I can look at you."

Not an actor for nothing, Billy stands at a slight angle, showing Rachel just a bit of bum as takes off his trousers and folds them. But he's proud of his full cock, as he pulls his underpants over and down. "I'm here, Miss," he says, standing in front of her, hands at his sides, "would you like me to turn?"

"No, stay still." He really is a tasty morsel. Rachel stands and walks around behind him, feeling the heat from his body. She presses herself against his back, skin to skin, and runs her hands down his front. Her fingers tease through his pubic hair and brush over his cock as she kisses his neck. "You're mine," Rachel murmurs against his skin. "All mine."

Head leaning back against her shoulder, Billy keeps his hips from grinding, pushing his cock into her hand, but only just. "Yours, Miss," he groans, his hands moving back to gently hold her hips, "whatever you wish, anything, please, Miss."

Abruptly, Rachel steps back and goes back to perch on the desk again. Billy's lips are parted and his chest is heaving, erection bobbing in time with his pulse. This is more like it. "What do you want? Tell me."

"Please," Billy says, "your breasts, your neck, your back, I want to taste them over and over..." She nods and gestures for him to go on, so he catches his breath and and says, "I want to worship you with my mouth, kneel between your legs and slide your skirt up, up, kiss your thighs, lick your pussy..." Billy notices his hands moving towards her without permission, so he pulls them back.

Rachel allows herself a slow smile. "That sounds just the thing. But I'd like to know exactly how badly you want it."

Billy drops to his knees so hard that his teeth rattle. "Please," he says looking up at Rachel, "anything."

Leaning forward a little, Rachel strokes his head. "Go for it." She plants her feet as wide apart as her skirt will allow, and smiles down at Billy. "I'm all yours."

"Yesssssss," Billy breathes, he hadn't even notice that he he'd been holding his breath. This role is surprising, it's intense and she's so sexy... "Ahhh, thank you, Miss," he says as he moves forward, hands ready to stroke her legs.

Having a naked man at her feet is unbelievably exciting, especially when he's this eager. "Gosh, my butler's keen. If I'd known, we could have done this a long time ago," Rachel murmurs, then lets out a long sigh of pleasure as Billy's hands slide up her thighs, pushing up her skirt.

Her bare skin is like silk under his hands, against his mouth. Billy's hands move to her sides, pushing Rachel's skirt up and up. He smears his face across the skin of her leg before delving between her legs to taste her inner thighs.

As Billy pushes her skirt up, Rachel is able to move her feet further apart. Billy's mouth on the sensitive skin of her inner thigh makes her moan softly. "Yes, that's good... Keep going."

While Billy's been here before, kneeling up to lick up and up and right to the top of her legs, he's never done it like this, trying to please her in just this way.

Rachel's skirt is bunched up around her hips, Billy's mouth almost where she wants it. "God, you're good at this," she groans. "Make me come."

If Billy could cheer, he would do. As it is, he pulls down her lovely skimpy knickers and surges up to lick at her cunt, taste her, run his hands around her sweet legs.

"Oh god," Rachel gasps as Billy's tongue glides over her clit. He tugs her knickers down and she yanks one foot out of them, planting her feet wide apart so Billy can get to her pussy. His hands knead her hips and she grips the edge of the desk, moaning and sighing.

Bracing himself, setting his own knees wide and steady, Billy brings a hand down to press a finger into Rachel's cunt, moving in the same rhythm as his mouth on her clit. He's in a haze of pleasure, glorying in the taste of her, the warmth of her skin surrounding his face, every moan and sigh feeding into a warm wave of triumph inside him.

"Oh fuck!" Rachel gasps as Billy's finger probes her. "Harder, I want to come!"

Another finger, then another, pressing and stroking, Billy's twisting his fingers in to get it just right, running his teeth along her clit, determined to please her.

It's the teeth that do it. Rachel comes with a high, sharp cry, pushing Billy's face into her crotch and gripping the desk hard.

With a little thrill of accomplishment, Billy holds her, slowly gentling her down until she's just shivering a little, sweet movements against his mouth that somehow make him even more aroused, his balls aching and his cock thrusting into nothing.

Rachel opens her eyes, panting, and sees Billy gazing up at her. "Mmm, that was lovely," she says, stroking his head. "Fetch me a condom, would you?"

Without taking his eyes off Rachel (her tits look amazing from this angle), Billy reaches for the bottom desk drawer. He knows he has them stashed there, and yeah, he can reach them from here. He kneels back a little and offers the condom to Rachel ceremoniously. "As you wish, Miss," he says, content to stay in his role for a bit.

Rachel giggles and then immediately composes herself back into her role. "Thank you. Now stand, I want to look at you."

Billy's glad he can rise fairly smoothly, with just a hint of creaking knees. He stands naked in front of Rachel, hands behind his back, feeling the heat of her gaze on him. She's still playing, still up for sex and whatever else, and he's slightly amazed to have found such a thoroughgoing sensualist.

God, he's fucking gorgeous. "Touch yourself. I want to watch." Rachel leans back on the desk and puts a foot up on the chair, exposing herself to him.

Blushing a little, Billy obeys, moves his hands in front, one to rub his chest, the other to reach down between his legs, cupping his balls. He doesn't think he's ever done something quite like this, standing instead of on a chair or bed. Rachel loves when he orders her to touch herself, even in semi-public places, and that thought warms him a bit.

"More," Rachel says sternly. "Touch your cock. Tell me what you want."

"I want to touch you," Billy answers, and slides his hand up to the head of his cock, "I need to touch you."

There's a hint of need there, but not the desperation he was showing earlier. "Oh really."

Billy bites his lip, feeling slightly deflated. "Please, Miss," he says, and makes a ring round his cock with his hand, wishing it was her cunt or her mouth. "Please let me touch you, let me kiss you and lick you all up and down," he says, working his cock a little harder.

Rachel tears open the condom packet. "Come closer," she says softly.

Careful not to press his luck, Billy takes a step and then another. He can smell her now, smell sex and desire.

"Do you want to fuck me?" Rachel murmurs.

"God, yeah," Billy says, "so much."

"I think you can do better than that." Rachel rolls the condom on to him.

The touch of her hands is enough to make Billy's eyes close and his hips ache to thrust into her. "Please," he says, not above begging, "please may I fuck you?"

Rachel leans forward and puts her mouth close to his ear. "Do it."

"Ahhhh," Billy groans as he takes the last step towards her, "yes." He gathers her body towards him with one hand, and guides his cock into her with the other, groaning again as he feels her around him and against him.

"Oh god, I love you," Rachel says, dropping all pretence of the role and wrapping her arms around Billy, pressing her face into his neck. "My gorgeous man."

Rubbing his face against her hair, Billy murmurs, "So good, so sexy..." It's like coming home, holding her close, being inside her. He guides her head up so he can kiss her, because he's missed that, thought it's only been a little while.

"Please, fuck me hard, need to come again," Rachel whispers against Billy's mouth. "Love your cock."

"Yeah," Billy says as he starts thrusting into her, wondering if she needs his hand. Maybe dirty talk will do, "You look so fucking sexy with your blouse open and your skirt up," he says, "like a total slut, even if you are topping."

"Your slut, I do it for you...oh!" Rachel gasps as Billy thrusts firmly into her at a perfect angle.

Billy smiles a little fiercely, "You spread your legs for me, yeah, sweet slut," he says, gasping a little as his hips pick up the pace and her cunt holds his cock so perfectly, "going to fuck you and make you come for me."

He's fucking her hard, wonderfully hard. Rachel braces herself with one hand on the desk behind her, the other arm around Billy's neck. She gasps with every thrust of Billy's hips and tenses her muscles, trying to hasten the orgasm she can feel gathering.

That's good, but not quite right, so Billy presses Rachel back onto the desk, laying her out in front of him as he thrusts. "So beautiful," he groans, "goingta fuck you til you can't think straight."

Part of her brain wants to watch him as he fucks her -- watch him lose himself in her. The bigger part of her brain wants to come, however, and her hand goes to her clit, pressing and rubbing. "Oh fuck, yes!" she cries as the orgasm finally overwhelms her.

Fumbling with Rachel's breast as he pumps into her, watching her face as she comes, Billy's brain goes fuzzy and all he can think about is how fucking fantastic fucking she is and how he'd like to do it for hours but she always gets him so hot that he can't stop, can't think, can only thrust and come with a long moan.


The desk is no place for a cuddle, so after a few moments of just breathing and reveling in the pleasure of it all, Billy helps Rachel to stand up and they toddle off to the bedroom, shedding the condom, and Rachel's shoes and skirt along the way. It's weird how protective Billy feels, especially since she was topping, but he finds himself fussing over her, toweling her off and making sure she's comfy before he can relax.

"I'm going to want some lunch soon, can we re-heat it?" Rachel asks, nuzzling Billy's chest. She lets out a long sigh, thinking about the scene they've just played.

"Sure, of course," Billy says, trying to keep himself awake. "Do you want your butler back?" he teases, though he would, if she wanted it, and that's a bit of a surprise. Not that he was any good at the actual subbing part, but still.

"No, I like you just the way you are," she smiles into his skin and then rubs her nose on it a bit more, just because it feels so good. "But..." she starts to vocalise a thought, and then stops. This might not be the time.

"Hmmm?" Billy wants to hear, he knows it's hard to talk about these things, so he'll encourage as well as he can.

"Doesn't matter." She kisses the base of Billy's throat. He sounds half asleep and not very receptive.

Billy turns towards her, more alert now, worried that she's holding back something important. "Don't be shy," he says, stroking her back, "tell me what you're thinking, and I'll tell you too."

"Oh... I don't know. It's like." Rachel feels lost for words and a bit worried about what he'll think. "I was trying to get you to beg, tell me what you wanted to do to me, but you didn't seem to want to. It's just that..." she bites her lip. "I beg for you all the time and yet I don't know how much you want me."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I wanted you so much, always do." Billy drops a gentle kiss on her lips, hoping he can reassure her. "I'm not built to play the way you are, though you looked fantastic from that angle."

It sounds a bit dismissive. "You say 'always do', as if... oh, I don't know. As if it's not a big deal," Rachel sighs. "Sometimes I just want to know what you'd do to get me if I withheld myself, you know?"

"I'd like to say I'd slay dragons for you," he says wryly, "or more apropos, crawl across hot coals." She's such a lovely woman, and Billy''s trying hard not to lose her, for all that he's not sure what it would mean to love her. "I just, you're away so much, and me as well, the world is withholding you, in a way."

"I don't think you get what I mean, so never mind," Rachel says, kissing him on the mouth. Does he love her? Does this thing with Dom mean he can't love her? She feels that there's so much she isn't sure of, but for now, she pushes her thoughts to the back of her mind. "Let's have lunch, shall we?"

"No, wait," Billy says. At least as he's got older, he's better at talking about feelings and relationships and such, he'll keep trying now. "Part of it might be the dominance thing, that's what I meant about how I'm built. I don't beg very well, don't get excited by it like you and Dom do, does that make sense?"

Rachel hates to think about Billy doing this with anyone else, even though he's tried to explain to her how things are with him and Dom. "It does, yes, but... Couldn't you just do it for me once in a while?"

"More than today you, mean? I'm not sure, for me, that was fairly intense."

She doesn't know what he means. "Do you mean you don't ever want to do that again?"

Hurrying to explain, Billy says, "No, I liked it, much more than I'd have thought. It's only, if that's not deep enough for you, I'm not sure I'm capable of going any further down for anyone, though I'd be willing to try, for you."

Rachel sits up and smiles down at him, stroking her hand over his chest, and is rewarded with one of Billy's patented beaming grins in response. "Thank you," she says. "That means a lot, really."

It's the way she says it, as though he's offered her her dearest wish, that warms Billy all over. But then there's one of those awkward pauses, where they've run out of profound and important things to say, and Billy just can't help it. When she bends to kiss him, he growls, rolling them over and blowing a raspberry into her neck which makes her shriek and laugh, wriggling like a caught fish under him.

"Stop it!" she gasps as he blows more ticklish air on to her neck. "I'm hungry, I want food."

"Must keep your strength up," Billy says, undermining his serious tone with a slide of his fingertips over her ribs. "Would you like your butler to bring you lunch in bed?"
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