Apr 24, 2006 21:27


For Photoshop

Image Prep

I started off with this image (from dj_capslock).

Image > Adjustments > Auto Levels
Image > Adjustments > Auto Contrast

Image > Adjustments > Curves
Input: 104
Output: 149
Image > Adjustments > Curves
Input: 240
Output: 255

Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation
Saturation: +30

Then I cropped the image to make the icon.

Duplicate base, set to Screen 50%

New layer - dark blue (#04101D), set to Exclusion 100%
Layer > Flatten Image
Select All
Undo Select and Merge
Paste layer copy - set to Soft Light 100%

New layer - pinky beige (#FFEBE6), set to Color Burn 100%

New layer - light blue (#C1F3FF), set to Color Burn 100%

Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Color Balance
Color Levels: +49 0 +8 (Midtones)

Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast
Brightness: 0
Contrast: +10

Also made using variations on this technique:

bunbury_, tutorials

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