public! - chloe armstrong dedication [2x picspams]

Sep 10, 2011 11:55

2x Picspams
1 x Chloe-centric
1 x Chloe-centric w/shippy tones (Think it goes with the episode, though?)
2 alts w/no text
Warning: LARGE. I will provide a direct link in case you need a better look.


chloe armstrong appreciation

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Comments 6

breyzyyin September 10 2011, 16:29:21 UTC
Oh wow...these are incredible appreciation graphics! You can really tell how you much like Chloe's character, which is wonderful. ♥ :)


purpletrance September 15 2011, 19:05:30 UTC
Aww, thanks. ♥ You're always so sweet to respond to things even if you're not familiar with the fandom, Yin. <3

I *love* Chloe. She's definitely one of my favorite ladies on television. :)


elaiel September 11 2011, 00:55:01 UTC
:D very nice!


purpletrance September 15 2011, 19:05:48 UTC
Thank you! :D


mercscilla September 11 2011, 11:18:33 UTC
Heee, so sneaky with the shippy!!! So brilliant. :D

I love the first one, the colouring and cropping is perfect for that scene. The second is my favourite (not surprising...), the colouring is a bit romantic and the smiley faces made me go aww!!! ♥


purpletrance September 15 2011, 19:07:55 UTC
Thank youuu. ♥ ♥ (I liked your sneaky shippy caps in the '1 cap per episode' in Season 1 with Chloe, hehe. ;) Amazing how he tends to be in the background of most of their photos, huh? (Eee, it always makes me happy that you like that Twin Destinies icon blend I did. /is proud)

Thank you! I was experimenting with coloring filters and different layers onto the image and blurring the edges of the 'spam and I think it worked well! :D Also, yesss. I added a bit of a Magenta color tone to the Rush & Chloe image. ...I couldn't help myself. XD ♥ ♥ (It's my favorite, too. Hehe.)

If either of them smiled anymore in that scene, I'd probably die in fangirl glee. XD


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