Title: “Hinata-Shikamaru”
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Shikamaru/Hinata, Hinata/Naruto
Prompt: Ring
Rating: PG
Spoilers: none
Word Count: 184
Disclaimer: Naruto not mine
“Will you marry me?”
Hinata shared at Shikamaru on one knee like a deer at a wolf. “W-w-what?” she finally forced the sound out.
“You’re female and you’re not troublesome or overbearing. If we got married, no one would bother us about it again.”
“But… but…”
“Do you not want to? Aw man, I went all the way to the tourist stands to get the ring and everything.”
Hinata wanted to laugh hysterically, if she did those things out loud. It was nothing like she had ever imaged this to be, not just the not Naruto part.
I have to make the decision right now whether this is serious or not. Shikamaru: intelligent, interesting, of a respected clan with no current connections of the Hyuuga. Unassertive--he would never try to rest control of the clan. Strategist. In my… league. Proposing, in fact.
“Get the approval of your clan and I will inform mine.”
Shikamaru looked at the ring. “Will I have to do this again? Troublesome.”
She reached over and took the ring from his fingers, though did not put it on hers.