Title: Arrr
purplekitteTheme: Shitennou--Pirates
Genre: Comedy
Version: Anime
Rating: PG-13
“International Talk Like a Pirate Day? What the hell?”
“No, ‘what the hell, arrr’,” Kyoko corrected. She seemed to be of the belief that adding “arrr” to the end of her sentences and bending one of her fingers like a hook counted for everything.
“Maybe I should take energy from teenagers getting caught up in this new hype?” Jadeite suggested questioningly.
“You’re missing the spirit of the holiday, arrr.”
“Energy from the coast guard?”
She decided he might still need more work. Kyoko dug through her coat and produced a messy green ball of feathers. “Look at th’a parrot I lib’rated from those landlubbers.”
“Oh God, that’s a real parrot,” Jadeite cried when its beak closed over his finger. “Get it off me! Get it off me! Arrrg!”
She shrugged. “Close enough. Arrr! Prepare to be boarded!”
Her leap slammed him into the wall, knocking the parrot of his finger (it then landed on her shoulder), and he found himself thinking, Maybe this isn’t such a bad holiday after all. Arrr.