Title: “Lee-Kankurou” Fandom: Naruto Characters: Lee/Kankurou, mention of Gaara Prompt: "wild horses couldn't make me..." Rating: PG Spoilers: none Warnings: none Word Count: 130 Disclaimer: Naruto not mine ( Read more )
"Kankurou considered that the forces of nature could not be that much of a problem for someone who could make water in the desert." Oh my god!! Hahahahaha... whew. That's funny.
Kankuro is so relaxed in this. Lee is so over the top, but Kanky is just... "yeah, yeah, I love you too." At then in my head Kankuro goes back to his football game and bowl of cornchips. He's also sitting in his underwear. Or he's doing something equally mundane and unexciting.
Comments 2
Oh my god!! Hahahahaha... whew. That's funny.
Kankuro is so relaxed in this. Lee is so over the top, but Kanky is just... "yeah, yeah, I love you too." At then in my head Kankuro goes back to his football game and bowl of cornchips. He's also sitting in his underwear. Or he's doing something equally mundane and unexciting.
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