Title: Mayday
Pairing: Yoosu
Length: Oneshot (1976 words)
Genre: Supernatural (vampire), angst, drama, romance?
Rating: R-ish
Warning: Unbetaed. Character death. Mentions of blood, gore..
A/N: Based on Brown Eyed Girl’s Sign MV, and a twisted imagination of my own. Also, this is my first attempt on vampire fic..so pls excuse the fail >.< Feel free to
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Comments 23
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I have a question: ...a pale grey eye shimmers in the place of his own what did this mean?
It's a good read bb :)
Anyway, it means that you know, since Yoochun kills with pure hatred, in the end the Elder still gets to own him, body and soul. Hence, Yoochun's body has the Elder's eye instead of his own. Meaning that although Junsu tries to protect Chun, but in the end Elder succeeds in owning Chun..due to his dirty tricks.
Elder has been 'helping' Chun to win over the dark figures and make his way to the chamber..he even controls Yoochun's body and emotions to kill the Elder himself, so that he can own Yoochun in the end. As in somehow, now his soul resides in Yoochun's body.
I'm sorry if it's confusing o.O
But thanks so much for reading bb :)
Now I understand why it seemed so easy for Yoochun to kill the Elder---sigh I would have hope for the better but life is not all sunny and daisies as we wish it to be.
Thanks ^^
I love your fic but I hate this story. I simply can't handle YooSu apart -_-
Thank you~^^
its TOO SAD~~
despite the sad ending,,you make a great story^^
thank you for the story~~
There's no fluff in me lately T_T
But thanks so much! :))
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..and thank you ^^
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