Jan 04, 2005 20:30
just grab that gun and shoot me...
you know you goddamn want to
Jan 01, 2005 17:32
happy new year mother fuckers
♥ connie
Dec 29, 2004 11:24
my keiffy blaha is sick. he is throwing up and I don't like it...
we will go to the city another day sweetie♥ just focus on getting better... i don't want you to be sick... it made me so sad this morning
i love you and i want you to get better now damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
atleast you will get a few days to yourself, just like you wanted
Dec 28, 2004 23:07
hmmm... new years is in a few days and im excited
w000000t w0000t w00000000000000000000000000t
today them boys came over and we played d&d for like... ever and i has lots of fun.
♥ to me
Dec 22, 2004 16:24
im one letter short of perfect
and im one inch less good enough
i must be like wood
you must have only measured me once
they say measure twice
i was cut wrong if you dont see
thats why im not good enough
if you made a chair with me id fuck it up
it would be lopsided and crooked
thats why next time measure twice
before you cut me again
Dec 12, 2004 22:38
dough dough dough
go go go go