I'm Not The Fighting Kind [A Jack/Liz Fanmix]

Oct 04, 2012 14:20

Title: I'm Not The Fighting Kind
Medium: Television
Fandom: 30 Rock
Subject: Jack/Liz
Notes: A preemptive Jack and Liz farewell mix to help us in the process of getting through the final thirteen. It's truly unnecessary how sad this mix is, but we all have ways of coping SO LET ME HAVE THIS.

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fanmix, jack/liz

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Comments 5

gaffsie October 4 2012, 20:59:12 UTC
I'm downloading this, because I need something to help me cope too. For the last couple of years this has been the only current show I've had any real interest in, and I'm really going to miss it once it's gone.


keenrevel October 7 2012, 04:02:03 UTC
Can I just say for the record that I tremendously enjoy your fanmixes :) They are always awesome!


autumn_c October 24 2012, 19:42:12 UTC
I'm too late :( its been removed


fistsandfangs November 11 2012, 15:34:57 UTC
wow i'm about to cry just reading the tracklisting ;_;


antice February 19 2013, 18:39:09 UTC
I am simply gonna say thank you for your fanmixes. Perfection.


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