Let's Cause A Scene [An Andy Dwyer and April Ludgate Fanmix]

Oct 20, 2011 18:54

Title: Let's Cause A Scene
Medium: Television
Fandom: Parks and Recreation
Subject: Andy/April
Notes: Because before there was Ben and Leslie...

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fanmix, parks and recreation

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Comments 12

greysweats October 21 2011, 17:01:53 UTC
Bbs! There really isn't enough Andy/April anymore. I am a huge fan of their relationship, but I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not one of the people who's been captured by Leslie/Ben, ha. That said, seeing a A/A fanmix and wonderful! And such a lovely one, too. Very pretty album art.



purpleeater1 October 22 2011, 01:09:15 UTC
Aw, well first off, thank you so much!!! And also, I know how you feel. I've pretty much been completely consumed by Ben/Leslie! But I just couldn't stand by and let the perfection of the original OTP in the fandom be forgotten! :D


dontelltheelf October 28 2011, 19:18:36 UTC
Taking. Yay! Thank you :D


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