does it make sense?

May 02, 2010 21:55

okay. so i'm singaporean & tokio hotel was in singapore. i've been a fan since god knows when. this means i'm definitely going to see them, right?! wrong ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

monchatsplash May 3 2010, 08:18:31 UTC
haha. your obsession cracks me up. i always get super pissed and annoyed when i leave a concert and find out the next day that some fans got to hug or take pictures with the act.

anyway, your icon is coolio. sigh. im trying different variations of the word cool here.


purpledna May 3 2010, 10:10:24 UTC
lol, my obsession with TH, extreme nausea-inducing fear of cockroaches & 72 rejected marriage proposals to ting ni are all pretty out of character i suppose (cept maybe the proposal bit) & usually results in a lot of laughter at my expense.

ntl, pleased to be of service ;)


thegirlwonder May 3 2010, 13:28:43 UTC
Hahahahaha. It's okay that you didn't go. :) I didn't think it was worth my time man. But next time! Next time they come for a proper long concert, you must go! ^___^


purpledna May 3 2010, 17:45:53 UTC
fersure & you better be right there next to me ;)


thegirlwonder May 4 2010, 02:41:36 UTC
^____^ Hopefully I manage to get some afterparty access! The Muse afterparty was very nerve wrecking but overall damn fun. :p


purpledna May 4 2010, 04:30:47 UTC
lol your ETA made me lol irl

i really hope by the time TH actually performs here, they understand that a concert doesn't have to be all about routine & lines prepared in advance, they can go a little crazy~


rylary May 7 2010, 03:48:13 UTC
awww *hugs* its ok that you didnt meet them (:

i love the last line btw "i heard that they were interviewed by the local press (i've yet to find any evidence of this). however, if the question 'why the name tokio hotel' shows up in any variation, someone's going to get their face ripped off."

nice!!! ahhahaha (:


purpledna May 7 2010, 13:16:01 UTC
& the best part issssss...CHANNEL NEWS FREAKING ASIA!!! asked them that question, & the band exchanged really telling looks & started laughing.. i can't even write in a nasty letter cos it's CNA. bloody hell.


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