Crashing in the Same Car

Sep 14, 2012 17:02

Title: Crashing in the Same Car
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 5100
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: post S7 Curtain!fic with a twist? I don't know. The Winchesters have a little guest who's probably there to stay ( Read more... )

oneshot, angst, let's give cas his own tag, dean, hurt/comfort, supernatural, hurting dean is like crack to me, sort of almost fluff, sam

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purple_carpets September 15 2012, 18:09:08 UTC
Heee. Carefull, don't squish my poor babies!


cassiopeia7 September 14 2012, 15:57:20 UTC
Jeez, just rip my heart into itty-bitty pieces, why don'tcha? This is so beautifully sad and heartbreaking. Even if I'm kinda worried that Dean might turn into John. D:

(I get the Bambi/Disney reference, I think, but why would Jurassic Park upset DJ?)


ramblin_rosie September 14 2012, 17:08:09 UTC
Not Jurassic Park, I'm thinking. Land Before Time. Bambi I could handle, but LBT *always* made me cry when we watched it at school. And I still have both of my parents!
Seconding the rest, though. *sniffle*


cassiopeia7 September 14 2012, 17:19:52 UTC
Ah-ha! Thank you so much -- that makes much more sense. Man, I (obviously!) hadn't thought of that show in ages.


purple_carpets September 15 2012, 18:12:48 UTC
That's probably my favorite thing about S6. The way Dean treated Ben and how he was trying so hard not to be John but in the end he just couldn't do it. And, you know, having mini!Dean around is a hundred times worse than Ben, because he's constantly reminded of all the things he thinks John felt were wrong with him and, let's face it, Dean isn't the biggest Dean fan out there. Ah, the angst, I want to eat it all up.

Yeah, I was thinking Land Before Time. Probably should have been more specific. ^^


Wow gatekeeper1324 September 14 2012, 18:19:32 UTC
I got the Bambie reference not the Dinosaur or Disney reference.

I love the way you write them.




Re: Wow purple_carpets September 15 2012, 18:14:18 UTC
I was thinking Lanf Before Time for the dinosaurs. And Disney, well, is there so much as one of those movies that doesn't involve at least one dead parent? I just don't see Dean as a big fan. *hugs him*


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Re: Wow purple_carpets September 16 2012, 22:21:52 UTC
Oh, I think I went to see that movie with my dad when I was about 10. I even had a little wind up Happy Meal toy. Totally forgot all about it.


honeylocusttree September 14 2012, 19:52:08 UTC

This pleases me. I can take or leave kid!fic, generally, but I like those that aren't cutesy, where the kids talk in complete sentences and are in charge of themselves---the way kids really are in real life. And I like that I didn't get the impression the home was all flowery and whatever and the issues weren't black and white, and everything was kind of just itself, and then there was this mystical thing going on too. But the characters have depth here. Nice work!


purple_carpets September 15 2012, 18:17:58 UTC
Honestly, there are just so many kid 'verses out there, I have pretty much given up on following more than maybe two. And those are definitely the angsty kind. What's the point of having all those beautifully fucked up charcters and then making them be happy? They've just been through so much, I can't buy them as entirely competent parents.


irismay42 September 14 2012, 23:08:45 UTC
What a fantastic concept for a fic! And how hard would it have been for grown-up Dean to have a constant reminder of how awful things had been for him as a little kid following him around all day?

Loved that part where they were sitting in the diner and DJ was in little Sam's position, Sam in Dean's and Dean in John's. Only the Winchester family could totally mess with their own heads that way!


purple_carpets September 15 2012, 18:24:00 UTC
Right? Right?? I was totally set on not participating at all because while I love curtain!fic, I didn't want to do the usual thing and I'm not in the mood for alcoholic!Dean and then BAM, Dean hates himself. Literally. They're just all so beautifully messed up.


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