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Comments 3

saberivojo March 24 2012, 19:13:20 UTC
Uh, did you notice that we both had John call Bobby in a phone booth? Did you notice we both had Bobby say the the exact same thing...You did what?. Did you notice that John slams the phone down on any more conversation?

Our Johns are not that far apart.

Great minds think a like.

And although I haven't even read part II - I can just imagine our divergence in Johns is that your is a little more violent, a little more drunk...but that's just guessing - :)

By the way, small error...Fort Douglas.


purple_carpets March 25 2012, 08:59:26 UTC
I was this close to cutting that entire scene after I read your draft because, well, it's the exact same thing and I know what it looks like, but I really wanted someone to yell at John and who is it gonna be if not Bobby and just ARGH *shoots self*


saberivojo March 25 2012, 10:45:30 UTC
I'm glad you didn't - it was important. Remember the "boys" fighting fic I requested and we wrote almost the same thing. Three years apart? We are like psychically linked!


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