Last Minute HC Bingo Fill

Dec 31, 2011 19:08

What it says in the subject line.

Fill for 'Burns', 'Cuddlig', 'Wild Card', 'de-age' and 'First Transformation' on my hc_bingo card

ETA: So, apparently the hc_bingo mods messaged me sometime on New Years Eve about how they couldn't see how this fills all those prompts listen up there and I managed to explain it to them, even though I was so friggin' drunk I don't ( Read more... )

dean, hurt/comfort, purple carpets dabbles in art, supernatural, hc_bingo, hurting dean is like crack to me, sort of almost fluff, sam

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Comments 5

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purple_carpets January 5 2012, 09:48:34 UTC
Heh, I have no idea where the snapshotty thing came from. I literally had an hour left before I had to leave for the New Years party and instead of getting dressed I spent it drawing this and then instead of just posting, I played around with Photoshop...


mysticwaters December 31 2011, 23:46:02 UTC
D'awwww so cute!

Happy New Year!


purple_carpets January 5 2012, 09:48:58 UTC
Thank you.

Happy (belated) New Year to you too ^^


nightrider101 January 4 2012, 00:39:14 UTC
That's freaking adorable!


purple_carpets January 5 2012, 09:49:11 UTC
Thank you ^^


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