To Try and Break Me Down

Dec 19, 2011 00:25

Title: To Try and Break Me Down
Rating: R
Wordcount: 5100
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: John thinks he’s teaching Dean to fully consider the consequences of his actions, but Dean is slowly twisting and turning it into something completely different.

Warnings: Abuse, buckets worth of angst, John ( Read more... )

oneshot, preseries, john, angst, hurt/comfort, dean, fic exchange, hc_bingo, supernatural, hurting dean is like crack to me, sam, teen!chesters

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Comments 43

lunasky3 December 19 2011, 00:08:53 UTC
Fucked up Daddy issues Dean is my favorite Dean. Guh. ♥ Also I love your John because he has NO idea how to handle Dean. Dark and twisty and amazing ♥


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:43:25 UTC
fucked up Daddy Issues Dean is one of the best Deans out there ;)


biketest December 19 2011, 04:17:52 UTC
Dean is the biggest kicked puppy in history. I love how we don't see his POV here and don't know exactly what's going on in his head only that it's super fucked up. You are seriously the goddess of daddy issues.


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:44:44 UTC
Heh, I think that was probably my biggest problem writing this. Even I wasn't sure what exactly was going on in Dean's head. But I guess I don't really need to know, seeing as it's all from John's POV.


brassband777 December 19 2011, 10:01:35 UTC
Oh my - this was heartbreaking! You did an amazing job with that really challenging prompt. My heart just went out to Dean and I was mentally screaming at John all the way through! It was so sad that Dean had to go to such lengths to get his dad's attention :( This was really well written.


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:45:11 UTC
Aw, thank you so much :)


YMKTM brassband777 January 20 2012, 06:39:45 UTC
Why did I not understand Dean's floppiness until I read your comment? Lol, *sigh*. Makes hella sense though.


Re: YMKTM brassband777 January 21 2012, 11:15:13 UTC
I'm glad you found my comment useful. Hee hee. Normally i think my comments come across as a load of waffle. lol.


lilja82 December 19 2011, 19:38:20 UTC


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:45:21 UTC


capricorn86 December 19 2011, 20:04:00 UTC
Not a story I`d normally read, but I enjoy your writing style in this one. Great job.


purple_carpets December 20 2011, 11:46:36 UTC
I'm glad you decided to read it anyway. And even more glad you ended up liking it ;)


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