Moar Art

Dec 17, 2011 21:36

You guys, I only have two squares left!

Sorry for spamming your flists lately. Two more posts and I'll shut up, I promise.

Fill for 'Runaways' on my hc_bingo card. Why did they run away? I have no idea, but I suppose we can always blame CPS :P

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wee!chesters, did i just hurt sammy?, preseries, angst, purple carpets dabbles in art, dean, hurt/comfort, hc_bingo, supernatural, sort of almost fluff, hurting dean is like crack to me, sam

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Comments 13

tifaching December 17 2011, 20:41:03 UTC
Sammy's shorts are adorable. And get those squares done!


purple_carpets December 18 2011, 09:45:13 UTC
They are, aren't they? ^^

I'm posting Reaper's exchange fic tonight and then there's only one square left that I have a fill for which I don't really like but will probably post anyway, because once I do, I DONE :)


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purple_carpets December 18 2011, 09:47:37 UTC
Aw, thanks you so much. I *hate* coloring on PS. I feel like I'm missing some great secret that makes other people awesome at coloring, while I'm left cursing at my screen. Making the background was fun, though.


zara_zee December 17 2011, 23:01:28 UTC
Adorable. The look on wee!dean's face... Poor little thing...he just never got to be a kid, did he?


purple_carpets December 18 2011, 09:47:57 UTC
Not really, no *pets him*


lunasky3 December 17 2011, 23:22:38 UTC
Aw, adorable boys. Love how Sam's eyes are squished tight and Dean's keeping an eye out


purple_carpets December 18 2011, 09:49:18 UTC
He's watching out for his baby bro :)


jesseofthenorth December 18 2011, 00:13:48 UTC
I have been really loving these! I hope we are going to get hit with drive by art after you are done your bingo! ;)


purple_carpets December 18 2011, 09:50:04 UTC
Probably. Right now, it's really just a way to fill those squares without having to come up with a plot. Psssst. ;)


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