Walking In a Winter Wonderland

Dec 21, 2011 21:14

Title: Walking In a Winter Wonderland
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1400
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: Dean almost dies on his first hunt, but then the nice man in the trench-coat shows up and everything doesn't seem so bad.

So, remember when I said I wrote And May All Your Christmases Be White to ( Read more... )

oneshot, wee!chesters, then/now, commentfic, preseries, john, angst, let's give cas his own tag, hurt/comfort, dean, hc_bingo, supernatural, hurting dean is like crack to me

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Comments 53

irismay42 December 13 2011, 22:20:45 UTC
Guh. Castiel time travelling to save Wee!Dean! Eeeee!


purple_carpets December 14 2011, 16:30:53 UTC
It's such a neat idea, right? I love the possibilities of time travel in the SPN 'verse.


twigletmoo December 13 2011, 23:53:19 UTC
Omg, ouch...

This is so angsty, and ouchy, but I loved how it hurt to read. It's spot on.

I love how you have John using Dean as bait, but you don't explicitly say that. And the descriptions of how Dean is feeling the cold or snow. Brilliant, excellent writing and storytelling.

I also really love the Castiel in Dean's dreams bits that open and close this fic - the opening in particular alludes to so much more angst-potential for Dean. Love. It.



purple_carpets December 14 2011, 16:37:46 UTC
I dunno, I've always had this thing where I was kind of wondering if maybe John was leaving his kids alone on purpose in SOMETHING WICKED so the shtriga would go after them, but I can't quite make myself write it, so this is where that bunny went instead.

I've never done anything with Cas before. I think I haven't even mentioned him in a single sentence ever, so I'm super glad you think he worked here :)


biketest December 14 2011, 00:18:19 UTC
That was so sad. ;_; From the prompt this fic wasn't my thing but you made it awesome.


purple_carpets December 14 2011, 16:38:18 UTC
I can make ANY prompt about Dean and his Daddy Issues. and whiskey :P


biketest December 14 2011, 20:51:33 UTC
and that's why you're my favorite. :D


purple_carpets December 14 2011, 21:07:41 UTC
Aw :) *hugs*


borgmama1of5 December 14 2011, 00:41:14 UTC
Wow. So poignant, so many layers in this.


purple_carpets December 14 2011, 16:38:33 UTC
Thank you so much :)


mysticwaters December 14 2011, 00:43:32 UTC
Break my heart, why don't you? D: Castiel protecting wee!Dean makes my insides all fluttery, but John using Dean as bait just...GAH! Why does he do that? No wonder he feels bad afterwards! *sniffles*


purple_carpets December 14 2011, 16:39:17 UTC
Because he's got his priorities completely screwed most likely...which is also why I love him so much. Oh, John... :P


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