And the Fields Were Green

Dec 09, 2011 00:18

Title: And the Fields Were Green
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2000
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: S1 boys getting drunk and debating who Dad was harder on when they were growing up.

Written for the Holiday Fic Exchange on spn_spankings. Fill for 'Humiliation' and 'Secret Identity Discovered' on my hc_bingo card.

Oh, puh-lease. He'd whack you a couple times and stop as soon as you started screamin' your head off. Bet he never took a switch to you. )

oneshot, dean, fic exchange, then/now, supernatural, sort of almost fluff, sam

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Comments 44

verucasalt123 December 8 2011, 23:35:57 UTC
I love me some drunk Sammy! That was great!


purple_carpets December 9 2011, 17:35:47 UTC
drunk!Sammy ftw =D


ginascifi December 9 2011, 00:44:44 UTC
Yay! It's my first filled prompt! I loved this is, it was very silly and fun, just what I had in mind. Thank you :)


purple_carpets December 9 2011, 17:36:34 UTC
heee, I'm so glad you like it. I'm not used to writing silly and fun, so this was definitely a challenge :)


biketest December 9 2011, 00:54:25 UTC
I dunno, I definitely detect angst! But it was cute, drunk!Sammy is hilarious and adorable. Plus hooray for furthering the fanon that Sam is a Wilco fan!
Is it just me or are there some wincest-y undertones? :D


purple_carpets December 9 2011, 17:39:12 UTC
Whut? Hm...maybe my angstometer is broken or something ^^

Sam is totally a Wilco fan! He is until show tells me he's not.

As for wincesty undertones, this is how all of my straight guy friends act around each other the moment they get slightly tipsy. ;)


biketest December 10 2011, 00:05:19 UTC
It's probably just that my angstometer and my gaydar are both overactive to the point of ineffective. :P


a_phoenixdragon December 9 2011, 01:01:30 UTC
LOL!! That was awesome...those two...what am I going to do with them?!

Beautifully done, darling!!



purple_carpets December 9 2011, 17:41:21 UTC
Heee, thank you so much. Drunk!boys are awesome.


(The comment has been removed)

purple_carpets December 9 2011, 17:42:10 UTC
*bows to the Lord of Pouterinarians*


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