Many a Man's Soul and Faith

Dec 20, 2011 22:26

Sam was tortured in the cage for one hundred years. Dean spent ten of his years in hell as a torturer. You'd think Sam would make the connection at some point, now that the wall is down.

Fill for 'Cages' on my dark_bingo card and 'Trapped Between Realities', 'Falsely Imprisoned', 'Grief' and 'Humiliation' on my hc_bingo card.

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did i just hurt sammy?, dark_bingo, angst, dean, hurt/comfort, purple carpets dabbles in art, supernatural, hc_bingo, sam

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Comments 18

honeylocusttree September 28 2011, 20:36:21 UTC
Art but no fic? *cries softly*

Heh. Here's hoping this will inspire *somebody* to write *something* for this scenario. Seriously.


purple_carpets September 29 2011, 11:11:59 UTC
Hey, you write the fic!


honeylocusttree September 29 2011, 11:54:07 UTC
I will if I have to...but first I'm gonna try to talk somebody else int doing it. ;)

Because I'm eeeevil.


purple_carpets September 29 2011, 16:20:30 UTC
Well, how about you start a trend? By posting fic about it. Huh? Doesn't that sound like something you'd like to do? *bats eyelashes oh so innocently*


lies_unfurl September 28 2011, 22:59:18 UTC
I love the coloring, and the hellhound in the center is perfect (at least I'm assuming it's a hellhound, and if it is not, I apologize for my lack of skills as an art critic). The premise for this is awesome.


purple_carpets September 29 2011, 11:13:32 UTC
Uhm...yeah, I suppose it is a hellhound, houling, wolflike, dog kind of thing. idek ^^


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purple_carpets September 29 2011, 11:14:46 UTC
lol, idek where all of that came from. I had a razor blade in there at some point. And tentacles. Thanks God for Photoshop ^^


stella_down September 28 2011, 23:40:25 UTC
oh, this is just rad. I love the fire turning to veins and the creepy look in Dean's eyes.

also yay for babyshambles


purple_carpets September 29 2011, 11:17:55 UTC
Hell yaeh, Babyshambles!

Thanks so much, I'm glad you like it :)


a_phoenixdragon September 29 2011, 10:53:58 UTC
This is awesome!! Maybe we'll get a ficcy soon?



purple_carpets September 29 2011, 11:20:03 UTC
tifaching promised to write that exact premise over at the fall fandom free for all. I'm sure it's gonna be awesome!


tifaching September 30 2011, 02:27:56 UTC
I was just thinking about how I'm going start and then I saw this! Awesome!

It's going to be a little while before this gets done. I've got some show rewatching to do, but I've already got a big chunk plotted!


purple_carpets September 30 2011, 07:01:02 UTC
Take your time. I haven't even started thinking about your remix, so really, I'm in no position to demand you write my fic right now.

Still....look at the pic some more. Look at it. Plot bunnies springing to life? Yes? Let 'em run freeeee

.. .. ..

*looks shifty at self*

*wanders off to find coffee*


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