Fear the Reaper

Jul 13, 2011 19:49

Title: Fear the Reaper

Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1000
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: Death wants Dean to show him what being human is all about.

Death/Dean non-con-ish...yeah, idek. Musie is in a weird mood.

Okay, so technically this is set after Appointment in Samara, but it's not about that. It's ( Read more... )

oneshot, dean, supernatural, this doesn't seem to be gen, hurting dean is like crack to me, angst, angst_bingo

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Comments 27

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purple_carpets July 14 2011, 04:57:28 UTC
Nothing wrong with listening to BOC...well, okay, yes, maybe, but I like 'em too ^^

You're right, that's totally scary, the way Dean just shrugs and goes along with it, because hey, it's for Sammy, so it's gotta be okay, right?


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purple_carpets July 14 2011, 05:00:57 UTC
Oh, I like Death too. He's totally awesome. I like all the horsemen actually. They just are. Yes, they're the villains for the purposes of Sam and Dean's story, but really, they aren't exactly evil.

But Death is so removed from everything that's human...hey, let's do a little experiment. And Dean goes along with it because hey, it's for Sammy.


saberivojo July 13 2011, 19:45:28 UTC
This was so very creepy.

*offers you wrinkly nose- something smells bad face*

Death is such a great character, despite his creepiness. It's good to know he creeps Dean out as well.


purple_carpets July 14 2011, 05:03:21 UTC
I love that Death is the one thing that just scares the living crap out of Dean. I looove it when he goes all rigid and pale, like he's locked in a room with a hungry animal or something. (okay, stupid example. I haven't even had coffee yet)


saberivojo July 14 2011, 11:14:01 UTC
I love it too! But the craziest thing about Dean and Death is he is afraid of Death and rightly so, but not afraid of dying. We are so used to Dean meeting supernatural baddies head on, it is interesting to see him uncomfortable around something.

It is so very Dean-like that although he is scared to Death (ha ha, sorry I went there) he doesn't stop his determination to engage in him if need be.


irismay42 July 13 2011, 21:55:38 UTC
*shudders* Creepy with a capital 'creep'.

I still love Death though!


purple_carpets July 14 2011, 05:03:49 UTC
Heh, me too. Death is awesome!


lies_unfurl July 13 2011, 22:47:58 UTC
I'll echo everyone else on how creepy this is (which is a good thing, because Death is a very creepy character himself. I hope he shows up again, although I might be in the minority there. I loved 6.11, but all the reviews I read seemed to think it was wicked boring). The descriptions of the kiss--"like kissing a dead fish;" cold air being pushed down Dean's throat--all help to set up a really dark, grim atmosphere. Again, perfectly creepy.


purple_carpets July 14 2011, 05:08:17 UTC
I think a lot of the problem with 6.11 was that people had decided they were going to hate the Sammy-and-his-soul story line months earlier and were going to rip that ep apart no matter what. JDM could have come back and gone into the cage as glowy-ghost!John and people would have hated it on principle.

But anyway, Death is awesome and depending on the main story line of S7 I'd *love* to see him return :)


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