As Time Began to Blur

Jul 08, 2011 19:26

Title: As Time Began to Blur
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1700
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Just felt like Kripke needed a little help breaking them.
Summary: Dean tries to go back to using sex as his #1 comping mechanism. Too bad he gets flashbacks to hell every time he gets close to scoring.

Dean/OFC, past Alastair/Dean/Meg, Dean/OMCs, Dean/Oktoberfestgirl
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oneshot, this doesn't seem to be gen, angst, angst_bingo, dean, supernatural, alastair, hurting dean is like crack to me

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Comments 39

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purple_carpets July 9 2011, 08:56:58 UTC
Hey, busy you :)
You take all the time in the world (and also? I have no frckin' idea how this sweet, almost crackish ED bunny turned into THIS)


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purple_carpets July 9 2011, 08:59:06 UTC
Aw, thanks so much. Don't feel bad. There is something ridiculously appealing about broken, post-hell!Dean and I have no idea why I keep doing the omgthewordsjustflowtogether thing in all my Dean'n'hell fics. It just happens I guess...

But doooo tell me about your favorite lines. Those are the best kinds of reviews, where people tell me which lines worked and which didn't.


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purple_carpets July 12 2011, 15:52:49 UTC
Nono, that makes perfect sense, because those are the exact lines that make me smile all content and happy when I write them. :)


tifaching July 8 2011, 23:01:25 UTC
Lord, that's brutal. But it's my head canon. Hell fucked Dean up but good and you know sex was a big part of how they broke him. Heartbreakingly awesome.


purple_carpets July 9 2011, 09:01:23 UTC
I totally agree. Sex was such a huge part of Dean's life pre-hell that there is no way Alastair&Co didn't use it to break him in hell and I don't know if it's intentional or not, but since show has pretty much downplayed that part of Dean's character ever since S4 I'm guessing something about his relationship with casual sex must have changed and this? This is what I like to imagine happened :)


ginzai July 8 2011, 23:21:03 UTC
Oh man. There have been a lot of stories that have dealt with the concept that Dean was raped in Hell, but none of them have hit me like this one has. It's short, but every word is used perfectly. That slow build up of emotion, Dean falling into the flashback, everything. This is wonderful, but all the more terrifying for how plausible it feels.


purple_carpets July 9 2011, 09:02:53 UTC
You have no idea how ridiculously giddy that comment makes me, because you're right, there are so many fics out there that deal with Dean being raped in hell and to say that this one stands out...*smishes you*


amor_remanet July 8 2011, 23:21:58 UTC
dfkgjfh. Oh my ... just skfjghe.

This fic was gorgeous - brutal and gorgeous. And I completely agree with tifaching and what you've portrayed here: sex was such a big part of Dean's life before Hell that I can't see the demons he faced Downstairs not using it to break him. And… ow. Just… my heart hurts after reading this, but in the best way possible.

Excellent work. ♥


purple_carpets July 9 2011, 09:06:21 UTC
Aw, jeez, thanks so much *blushes*

And I'm totally with you and tifaching. Whether it's intentional or not, everything they said (and didn't say) about Dean's sex-life post-hell leads me to believe that sex was such a crazy big part of how they broke him in hell...

*wanders off to watch Alastair talk about prodding and poking*


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