Fic: Happens To Me All the Time (Benny/Christina, PG)

Nov 14, 2009 02:54

Title: Happens To Me All the Time
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Planet of the Dead
Words: ~2000
Characters/Pairings: Bernice Summerfield/Lady Christina de Souza
Summary: Archaeology is the search for facts, not truth. Although most of the time, Benny finds that it is more about trying not to get killed.
Beta: Many thanks to strangledduck :o)
A/N: Written for jinxed_wood for the dw_femslashRead more... )

fic: lady christina de souza, femslash, fic: bernice summerfield, ficathon, fic

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Comments 25

quean_of_swords November 14 2009, 17:23:21 UTC
That was so much fun, I'm all smile-y now. ^^


purple_bug November 14 2009, 17:25:35 UTC
Hee, thank you :o) I like making people all smiley :oD


pontisbright November 14 2009, 23:31:21 UTC
This is soooooo lovely! I'm not familiar with Benny but your Christina is just fab, all dash and spark but also quite needing someone else around to complete her awesome. V funny flirty banter and I love the Indiana Jonesy context. And the bus, yay! Fab stuff. :D


purple_bug November 14 2009, 23:46:27 UTC
Thanks, hun :o) *hugs* You should become familiar with Benny, she is made of awesome. And in her first audio, her cat is played by Nicholas Courtney. Which is enough on its own to make the audio amazing, but there's so much more :o)
*more hugs* :oD


aralias November 15 2009, 16:25:46 UTC
this is great! and incidentally, a show i would definitely watch. their first interaction, in particular, is great - and benny's mutating feeligns about whether christina makes her feel old or young.

btw, i meant to say and i forgot, but as your remix the drabble person, i read practically all the the fic posted on her and really liked it - particularly the evelyn/wilf one i remixed, but i was so close to remixing the glorious walking in on companions fic and i read it loads of times, and loved it each one of those (particularly the jack/frobisher). just thought i should say :)


purple_bug November 16 2009, 00:42:12 UTC
Thank you :oD It's always so nice when someone says they'd watch a show based on a fic, and for that you get hugs :o)

Oh, and you were fab, with your remixing, btw. I loved that. That's one of my favourite stories of mine, cos I love the characters so much and I feel I really got them, so it was a big smiley moment when I saw it was that one you'd picked :o) And yeah, that other one also falls into my favourites :oD I had such fun writing that, I can't even tell you. A lot of that weekend is lost to energy drinks, but I remember writing in my spare time at work, and giggling like mad on and off for two or three hours, starting with the wonderful first moment of coming up with the Four/Romana, Adric & K9 scene :oD Out of curiosity, what kind of remix would you have done from that fic? :o)


aralias November 16 2009, 00:50:07 UTC
A lot of that weekend is lost to energy drinks - i laughed out loud.

and i was going to do one of the companion sets, either before or after. probably nyssa/tegan or peri/erimem, in the aftermath of the doctor's interruption ;) but i'm never sure about the rules of remix. whether it's all right to make it kind of a sequel, and i'd probably want to expend more words on it than we were allowed, and so i plumped for the evelyn one, which i think i always knew was the one.


purple_bug November 16 2009, 11:23:56 UTC
Well, feel free to write that remix, rule-free, if you want to :o) Don't have to, obviously, but I wouldn't like to impede the creative flow :o)


glinda_penguin November 16 2009, 00:26:29 UTC
Adventures in practical archaeology and double-decker buses with lots of snogging, how excellent!

“Your spaceship is a double-decker bus.”

“Yes, sort of.”

Benny stepped back and looked Christina warily up and down.



Yes! I can't see that bus without thinking of Iris.


purple_bug November 16 2009, 00:47:07 UTC
:oD It was an awesome moment when I remembered that yes, Benny has met Iris, so I could actually make that joke :oD
Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it :o)


wishfulaces November 16 2009, 04:30:31 UTC
GO, BENNY! \O/ The dialogue is spot on, and, oh, so much fun!


purple_bug November 16 2009, 11:28:08 UTC
:oD Thanks!


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