Fic: Commencing Countdown (37/100)

Jul 03, 2007 18:58

Thirty-seventh drabble for the doctorwho_100 challenge.
This one has been bouncing around my head in one form or another for ages - this is how it turned out. I really like it :o)

Fic Name: Commencing Countdown
Rating: G
Prompt: Moon (#045)
Claim: Companions
Companion: Thomas Hector (Hex) Schofield
Timeline: Any point after The Harvest.
Spoilers: None

Hex checks the harness clasps again, making sure he's strapped in tight. He thought he'd be more excited about this, but he’s too nervous to enjoy it. Being an astronaut, going to the moon - even if it's not the Moon, just another planet's moon - was something every little boy dreamt about, but now that he's in a worryingly flimsy space suit, strapped into his seat against the G-forces… now he’s not so sure.

A voice crackles through his helmet speakers, making him jump. It’s Ace, safe in mission headquarters with the Doctor.

“Ground Control to Major Tom.”

“Oh, ha ha.”

Prompt table


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