Okay this was supposed to be bad, so it's not really. I think...It was a challenge response to write the worse thing possible and there was a whole list of items you had to include, think you can figure most of them out. I can't believe I didn't post this anywhere but MK
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Comments 4
Of course...I can always imagine Bakura smacking people and calling them idiots.
At least that got me over the whole Yugi/Yami...sex story? Could that even be considered a R story?
I remember:
an escapee from an asylum
a cruise to Alcopolco
a dead parrot
a cookie receipt
something about a swimsuit and the mall
an artichoke with horseradish
a donkey named Sam
the eye of Horus
a pointed stick
a water pipe
an egyptian penny
a crying baby
a box of crackers
a lampshade
see? I remember most, but only because there is no way I'd use them any other time.
And no her "stories" are only PGish at most, one of them was a G.
“Sorry mutt, no money for food,” Seto told him.
“You have lots of money, what do you mean?” Joey asked.
For some reason I thought of this:
"I...*mumbles incoherently*"
"What? I didn't catch that, Seto."
"I said I blew it all on internet porn! Alright!"
"Seto....man..I never knew.."
Heh. Sucky I know..but it made me laugh.
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