Who: Iceland (
volcanisms) and France (
When: December 7th, shortly after Iceland's first post.
Where: Newton's Hostel
What: France meets Iceland at the hostel and helps him get adjusted.
Warnings: Um, none that I can foresee. Unless France starts to get a little touchy-feely, if you know what I mean.
Iceland is not enjoying his day. )
Comments 21
"Oh, I was--" A sneeze. "-- going through reports." Well, that was mostly true. Iceland had skimmed through the stack of papers on his desk, making note of what needed his attention right away and what he could put off until later. Then he went and fed Puffin and tried to find other ways to procrastinate. "You know, nothing exciting." Kind of an understatement. Iceland had always found paperwork mind numbly dull, hence his irresponsibility when it came to getting it done. He would always get everything completed, he just had to drag his feet in the process most of the time. It was so much easier to be distracted ( ... )
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