Trading Academy

Feb 01, 2009 19:25

Trading Academy

Name: Chayenne
Rank: Senior
Cards: 434
Mastered: 3
report card

Art - donate two cards to puffer abc in one month
History - refer one new member
Music - increase your cardcount by 60 or more in one month
Science - trade with 10 different people in one month









Future collections










(not collecting yet)






















































Wanna join?

If you'd like to join, please list Chayenne as your referrer.

update: pitcher06, names18, suzuki01
trade - chibachi: mask01/04/20, silverbery05/16 and writing10 for beloved11/12, love05/14, shibuya15
card scramble: kira20, blackmail11, musicc
luckymatch: balance16, artc

puzzle: parody01, master02, scienceb, membercard
memory: beloved10, silverberry05
whichcolor: nishimata02, spirits20, englishc

mastered brush: lapistier17, lapistier18, astral05, priestess01
level up: lapistier14, lapistier15, love06, checkmate09, starcrossed12, twin09, race19, movies06

updates: writing10, working06, tea07
cardscramble: shipwreck11, dept10, artc
comedysection: badluck10, mask01, historyc
war: scales16, jupiter04
slots: spiral20, judges12, kaitou11, musica, musicb, englishc
gameprofile: eitoku06, blossom06, englishb, membercard
10puzzle: blade19, orphan09, host14, shinigami11, deus12, 2×choice, specialchoice
trade - jenphi: ivalice08, geostigma13 for brush19, spirits03
trade - hotaru: member card, Promise17, Scissors18, Style09, Pirates20 for member card, Parody19, Spirits15, Levitation01, Ribbon17
trade - suidorime: berry04/12, jiendia07 and tears19 for parody13, culinary08, spirits12 and levitation17
pufferabc: kurogane03 - donut14, princes19

memory: meitantei01, brigade16
whichcolor: parody20, laws14, musicc
puzzle: chiropteran16, dark02, artb

update: infinity11, sos06, truestar07
memory: balance14, lyrical16
whichcolor: maximum09, roanapur06, artc
puzzle: kitty16, mint06, historyb, membercard

updates: foulu19, tears19, runes12
whichcolor: zodiac09, etria13, sciencec
famousartist: nobodies06, levitation12, historyb
memory: magicalgirls03, pendragon20
slots: ecure20, brother16, youma09
war: jupiter07, ballet18
mysteryisbn: meister10, passion02, artb, membercard

memory: love02, hamham17
puzzle: school19, kitty15, historyb, membercard
whichcolor: persocom04, voice19, artc

whichcolor: vampire12, symphony09, musicc
famousartist: zodiac03, hoshigami17, musicb
memory: pendragon10, noise13
puzzle: brigade19, lapistier05, membercard, historyb
10puzzle: tartarus14, princess17, koneko19, host07, berry12, origin02

update: zearth20, majora13, silverberry16
scramble: etria06, twins08, sciencec
war: brawl17, fallen10
slots: slave06, ribbon11, lens07
isbnsearch: netherworld18, spirits19, scienceb, membercard

Trade - kelliedee: britannia09, membercard for lapistier16&membercard
cardclaim: badluck06, 08, brush04, 16, forest08
doubles: brush16 for spirits06

cardscramble: delivery02, dalmasca05, sciencec
slots: shinsengumi08, butler15, contractor20
war: practice15, rose, 2× choice

whichcolor: host10, shibuya03, artc
puzzle: zodiac18, ninja08, artb, membercard
memory: etria19, schoolgirls09
videoclub: beloved02, sinnoh14, musicc
oldlibrarybooks: beloved13, levitation06, englishb
famousartist: geostigma08, wind01, artb
pufferabc: aries13, couples(m)12

Slots: poison06, guitar15, karekano12, arta, englishb, artc
slots: football11, persocom18

whichcolor: schoolgirls02, aries01, artc
puzzle: ecure16, lap05, membercard, historyb
memory: ninja18, kaitou06
famousartist: nightclass11, pendragon17, artb
mastered lotis: ribbon01, ribbon02, harmonia04, leyline15

card scramble: jigoku10, twin05, sciencec
screenconfusion: culinary07, illegal02, englishb
swapped: justice12 for dark12
slots: peach13, scroll03, ikaru17

Trade - Kaz: chopin07 for ribbon06
Trade - barbar: brawl12, jusenkyo07, promise17, white15 for forest13, forest19, lotis11, mascots02
Trade - Laura: izayoiki18, idol07 and membercard for lotis01, spirits04, membercard

memory: bloodyrose05, beloved04
puzzle: brawl12, demon01, englishb
whichcolor: balance11, digivolve03, historyc
oldlibrarybooks: ribbon16, stranger15, englishb

masteredotaku: lotis07, 09, edo10, empire04
gradesexchange: lotis02, 03, 04, 08, mascots15, otaku15

10puzzle: delivery17, scholar05, ikaru08, abuse07, nightclass12, origin01, culinary17, kira12, brigade11, hamham03, 2× choice, special, heartless04, koneko13, badluck04
swapped silmeria09 and toy18 for wind09 and tartarus18

Game - mysteryisbn: stranger06, runemidgard08, english b, membercard
Game - pufferabc: noname18, empire07
newdecks: idol07, koneko20, giygas02

Game - slots: artist08, chaos02, troupe19
Game - war: lavitation15, mask20
Levelup: otaku18, 19, nandemo08, assassin18, chronos16, race10, mitochondria01
doubleexchange: silmeria16 for spirits09

Game - whichcolor: parody04, hotline13, sciencec
Game - puzzle: chopin07, shougi03, englishb, membercard
Game - memory: which11, hamham19

Trade - arisa: immortal11 for spirits08

Trade - Kaz: chopin13, 16, resonance15, treat11, membercard for lotis06, 15, 17, magicalgirls18, membercard
Trade - chi-sama: retribution10 for forest04

Newdecks: pandora13, prophecy14, victorian15

Game - cardscramble: culinary05, parody03, art c grade
Game - slots: tartarus07, edge09, sunflower03
Game - war: brush18, retribution10

Game - Memory: Dreams01, Sky07
Game - Puzzle: membercard, history b grade, britannia09, stage04
Game - Whichcolor: english c grade, kurenai05, invalice08
Game - oldlibrarybooks: english b grade, errands20, crossfire02
Game - voicetalent: science c grade, mechanical13, sacred04

Game - gameprofile: Music b grade, membercard, runemidgard04, seed02
Game - videoclub: science c grade, forest03, guardian17
Game - cardscramble: Jigoku18, Magi15, art c grade
Trade - fafnirh: membercard, pendragon13, coach14, nishimata12, psypher04, host01 for forest01, levitation14, lotis05, ribbon18, spirits13, membercard
New decks: Will07, mechanical12, furien03
Valentine: otaku11, lotis19

Trade - Bunny: Senshi10, Heart16, membercard for Ribbon19, Otaku17, membercard
Game - War: Auracite03, problems14
Game - Slots: Seven15, Etria04, Style09

Game - Whichcolor: English c grade, Silmeria09, Expel17
Game - Puzzle: membercard, science b grade, coach14, revolution01
Game - Memory: nishimata12, geostigma13
PufferABC: Stranger11, Heart16
Game - OldLibraryBooks: Friends04, Kira04, Art b grade

Trade - Miku: Resonance03 & membercard for Brush07 & membercard

New Decks: Shinrabanshou13, Resonance15, Smile02
level up: otaku07, otaku10, rain20, minerva04, fusion04, santa03, resonance03, chopin13

Trade - Haseo: Nerv11, membercard for Badluck16, membercard
Game - Card Scramble: Passion04, Pendragon13, Science c grade
Game - War: Busters15, Tattoo14
Game - Slots: Schoolgirls03, Treat11, Sylmeria16
Card Claim: Brush10, BloodyRose14, Chaos01

Trade - ChibaChi: Chii12 for Badluck19
Trade - Lucathia: Badluck01 Spirits01, membercard for Dalmasca09, Voice11, membercard

Card Swap: Ikaru02, Gigas05 for Cicada02, Dalmasca05
Game - Mystery ISBN: Myths13, Maximum10, History b grade
Puffer ABC: Grandstaff03

Trade - Suidorime: Noise15, membercard for BloodyRose01, membercard
Game - Memory: Alice11, Scroll11
Game - WhichColor: Jigoku04, Mask04, Art c grade
Game - Puzzle: Kirsche06, Dreams13, member card, Art b grade

Game - Puzzle 10: Culinary01, Levitation20, Lotis14, Toy18, Traveler18, 2× Choice Card, 1× Special Choice Card

Game - Puzzle 10: Psypher04, Host01, Angel11, Ribbon13, Myths14, Melody19, Lyrical01, Chii12

Exchange: Parody16, Otaku16, Prince18
New Decks: Grandstaff03, Noise15, Phantom01

Game - Slots: Shougi11, Scholar06, Adlibitum16, History a grade, English b grade, English c grade

Grades exchange: Otaku01, 03, 05, 06, Delivery07, Maximum06, Santa18, Apostle04, Twins17

Referral rewards: 2× Choice cards
Birthday: English c grade, History c grade, Science c grade, Music c grade, Art c grade
Trade - ChibaChi: Nights02, membercard for Jigoku, membercard

Game - Which Color: Villains(G)20, Babysitter11, Art c grade
Game - Puzzle: Princesses06, Blood14, History b grade, Member card
Game - Memory: Voice11, Despair06
Trade - Kaz: Melody10 for Bloodyrose04

Card Claim: Brush13 & 14
Exchange: 4× Choice cards (Brush01 & Brush03 & Brush08 & Brush 20), 1× English c grade(Nights02), 1× History c grade (welcome back04) 1× Science b grade (Passion07), 1× Special (Pink06), 3× Music b grade (Bloody Rose 07,08,10), 1× Art b grade (Brush12)
Game - Mystery ISBN: Gigas05, Melody10, Music grade b, member card
Game - Screen confusion: Gullwings20. Nobodies14, Music grade b
Game - Famous Artist: Magical Girls18, Edo01, Music grade b
Game - Old Library Books: White15, Dalmasca09, Art grade b

Game - Puzzle: Magical girls01, Justice12, Science B, Member 
Game - 10 Puzzle: White Flower12, Kurogane03, otaku02, Passion06, Chopin16, Dats20, Ito13, Ikaru02, Busters08, Toy13, Promise17, Sinnoh09, 2× Extra card, 1 Special card

Starter Pack: Escape15, Limit15, Jusenkyo07, Senshi10, Genbu17, Prince15, 2× Extra choice card 
Game - Which Color: History C, Immortal11, Izayoiki18
Game - Card Scramble: English C, Shinigami20, Kurenai11
Game - Memory: Mythril16, White08
Game - Slots: Movies16, Makeup1, Chronos20
Game - War!: Nerv11, Otaku04

trading academy

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