Who: Rei and Usagi [open]
When: After Rei's Voice Post
Where: Field close to the forest. [Upper Level-somewhere]
Rating: PG
Warnings: Rei's temper and Usagi's cry.
Summary: Clearing her mind, Rei goes for a walk. Though, she wasn't expecting something decided to stalk her. Carnivore?
Why can't the red-heads be more tasty! )
Comments 24
He stood far away, but his ears, could pick up the sound vibrations of voices. Sure enough, Duzell, had heard voices, and perhaps they were shoutings. His poweres were restored, he had no reason to run, but used a simple spell of teleportation to get closer to the voices, perhaps, this was the one the human was looking for. Though, helping others weren't his forte, but he managed to do it somehow...
"Not good! I can't get out in time!" As the needles crashed against the two.
The youma threw its arm forward tossing the tiara back to the girl. Creatures from the upper level were far stronger compare to the creatures from the lower level.
Rei looks up seeing a young boy coming down from no where. The back of her mind is curious of where this person came from but for now her mind was too occupied seeing the boy attempting some kind of attack. Seeing the creature holding the boy's hand, Rei quickly rubs her fingers together creating sparks of flames hoping this would push the needles far in the air as well as releasing the boy. "Fire!" Rei begins as she quickly departs her finger far away apart allowing the flames to spread like wild fire. She motions her hands towards the creature and the air. "Soul!"
Of course her attack is released, seeing Usagi coming in the way...
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