Who: Lyra
spiritedness and Anita
When: After
Where: By the Clock Tower--greatest landmark in all of Purg!
Rating: TBA.
Warnings: TBA.
Summary: Lyra was cold, asked for a place to stay. Anita answered.
We're all a little lost sometimes. )
Comments 16
Arms were dangled loosely at her sides, and she tipped her head off to the side as she looked the other over. Deciding that she seemed harmless enough, Lyra moved in closer. The leopard at her feet sniffed at the air before changing into a mouse, and scurrying up to sit on her shoulder.
"Lyra. Be careful. We don't know who we can trust." The mouse spoke, and Lyra nodded in understanding.
"I will, Pan. Don't worry." She whispered to her daemon, before looking back at Anita once again. She noticed something right away, the girl's lack of a daemon of her own. "You don't have one either. A daemon, I mean."
"Yeah, that's me," she responded with a nod.
The transforming mouse/leopard reminded her of Edward--his ability to transform inanimate things into other inanimate things--and while her eyes widened a bit, she tried to remain otherwise unaffected. ...when it talked, on the other hand, she tilted her head in wonder, before catching herself and straightening up and forcing herself to stand up from her seat. She'd only been sitting for short while, but already her butt felt like it was ready to fall off ( ... )
It was only then that she stepped foward, and in closer to Anita. "Pan doesn't seem to think that we should trust you." She looked the other girl over once again. "But you seem entirely harmless." Although she meant that in a good way, it came across as sounding condescending. "Where do you live?"
"Lyra..." Pan sounded annoyed with his girl's tone, and leapt out of her pocket, turning into the leopard again on his way down. "We should find a way back to the others. They're sure to be waiting for us!"
John Woo came to mind, but he was a carrier pigeon. Did that count?
Ehmm. Most likely, being offended here wouldn't go too well, but she was annoyed. She'd spent most of her time in Purgatorium proving that she was, in fact, more than capable of protecting herself and thus could very well cause harm, but in this case, was it better to try to come across as harmless? Who knew?
"I can't say I mind if you don't trust me fully; I don't think anyone can really trust one other here just by nature of what this place is supposed to be," Anita commented, idly fiddling with her nails. At the question, she signaled with her eyes, to the east, before saying, "A little farther out from here, closer to the edge of the city. It's mostly quiet, and the monsters over there don't seem to care much to attack you unless you're wearing sequins."
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