Title: Returning (Chapter 18)
Author: Purerose
Fandom: NCIS
Prompt: 021 Aloof
Character/Pairing: Kate/Gibbs
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1351
Summary: Our favourite couple need to sit down and talk.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: Still not mine. I do, however, have a laptop with a faulty backspace key and an assignment which is 1,107 words over it's word
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Comments 4
Part 19 almost got posted today, but I got a little distracted by the thousand or so words that I'm still trying to lose from my dissertation before tomorrow :D
Fingers crossed, it'll be up tomorrow or Saturday :D
hope to see the next chapter up soon??
I was hoping to get the next chapter up at the weekend but a few things got in the way (on the plus side my thesis/dissertation/mind-numbingly dull essay is now finished, bound and handed in). I got so carried away by removing words from that, I accidentally removed a couple of hundred from the next chapter, lol.
It's just being re-edited and then I'll get it up. :D
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