Title: Returning (Chapter 16)
Author: Purerose
Fandom: NCIS
Prompt: 017 Weapon
Character/Pairing: Kate/Gibbs
Rating: PG
Word Count: 991
Summary: Kate retuns to work.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I think that this may actually be the shortest chapter I've written for this so far. It was a little bit longer but I cut out some bits that were bugging me
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Comments 7
'and you are pleased to see that you were just a fraction to the left of the centre....You have your gun back within two weeks.'
With that teacher I can pass the training too.:PGreat update.:)
Part 17 is getting a work over right now, my tenses are terribly screwy in the first draft and it usually takes about three going-overs to catch them all.
I'll do what I can to get it up soon, for the sake of your health of course ;)
I've written bits into other chapters but they've not all been posted yet. Once I've got the whole story posted I want to post the extra bits that I wrote but left out of the actual story.
Thanks for reading it, it's great that you're enjoying it and I hope it's not too confusing :D
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