StBA post a day late, again

Nov 12, 2010 08:28

 I am not doing well. I hope to have the time later this morning to update on personal life things and what's going on, just for the sake of getting it out 'on the page' and not worrying about things anymore.   dolcedaze , can I borrow that burning house icon of yours?

Something to Blog About, Post #22: Start Over
Chantelle writes: Embark on a new career. ( Read more... )

something to blog about, thankful

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Comments 5

dolcedaze November 12 2010, 13:51:21 UTC
I can easily see you as a college professor! I remember when you were throwing around the option of coming back to Potsdam- is that still a possibility? I am selfishly pulling for that :-D

And yes, take the icon! It's not mine, I have at least three friends on my list who were using it before me.


lynda November 12 2010, 15:21:31 UTC
I'm so sorry you're not doing well. You're in my thoughts and I hope things get better soon.

Your career absolutely fascinates me. I LOVE reading about it. I think it would be awesome if you could tie pregnancy and birth into your work.

We really need to start doing a weekly vegetarian meal too. My husband would eat a meal of solely meat if left to his own devices, so I'd have to win him over first.

I don't give to the Salvation Army because I don't support their values. Most of the time I donate to Goodwill. There might be some women's shelters in your area that would appreciate the kids clothing/diapers/toys though.

We need to go through soon to cull our toys in preparation for Christmas. I think Elias is of an age where he'll understand giving away his toys and can select what he wants to donate, but we'll see!


purerandomness November 12 2010, 15:54:38 UTC
Thanks for linking to the Salvation Army expose! The part I remember hearing was along the lines of "in 1996, statements show over $2 billion in income and $1.6 billion in expenses for the fiscal year. So out of the 2 billion they received, $1.6 billion was used in organizational expenses."
In my mind, if you're supposed to be a non-profit charitable organization, shouldn't you at least TRY to streamline administrative costs and devote more than 50% of your earnings toward the mission of your organization?

There was a site last year that I visited which ranks charitable organizations based on amount of donations going to administrative costs versus actual charity work, how many people (or animals) helped per year, etc. I can't find it now!


lynda November 12 2010, 16:02:00 UTC
Is it Charity Navigator? I can't find a specific ranked list like the one you mentioned, but they have tons of info there.


purerandomness November 12 2010, 16:04:51 UTC
I checked that one and it's not quite the same. Maybe I'll call my local TV station and ask them because that's where I saw/heard it last year! :)


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